I've heard various opinions on this subject, but today I came across this newspaper that presents new (t0 me) eyewitness accounts on Der Führer's diet:
The article also mentions that there was a Hitler Jugend manual from the 1930s that promoted soya beans, which it called "Nazi beans".
Read more: Hitler was vegetarian: Fuhrer's food taster (Indian Express)Adolf Hitler's only surviving food taster has claimed that the Fuhrer was a dedicated vegetarian during his stay at the "Wolf's Lair" in World War II.
Margot Woelk, 95, said that Hitler ate only the freshest fruit and vegetables during the two and a half years that she was forced to check his food for traces of poison.
The article also mentions that there was a Hitler Jugend manual from the 1930s that promoted soya beans, which it called "Nazi beans".