You might say 'get one apple and then get another apple; put them together and then count how many apples you have.'
But apples are not simple things. They are complex objects(atoms and quantum stuff etc), in a complex universe, processed by a complex mind. All of which we probably only scratching the surface of understanding.
So it seems like you would be using a highly complex, and non-understood, system to prove something that one would thing was fairly simple.
To me, putting those apples together, is actually defining an axiom; that 1 plus 1 is only seems self evident.
what do you say?
But apples are not simple things. They are complex objects(atoms and quantum stuff etc), in a complex universe, processed by a complex mind. All of which we probably only scratching the surface of understanding.
So it seems like you would be using a highly complex, and non-understood, system to prove something that one would thing was fairly simple.
To me, putting those apples together, is actually defining an axiom; that 1 plus 1 is only seems self evident.
what do you say?