How do you rank in the health centered WFPB movement?


Forum Legend
Jun 3, 2012
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This new documentary certainly is causing a massive stir- I believe due to the popularity of Netflix than people's interest in diet change. I have yet to watch the full documentary, but have heard of it's effects on people- on forums, in grocery stores, from co workers. Suddenly there's now more people wanting to go 'plant based' than ever, and strangely enough, it doesn't feel like they seems to care about vegans.
While critics call this doc a subliminal film that hides its vegan agenda in the cloak of skewed health scares, it's also criticized by vegans for using skewed health claims and diluting the ethical reasons of being vegan.
I'm not one who comes across as a pushy vegan, yet I always use opportunities to discuss perfectly sound, rational, practical reasons for not eating, or using animals, usually prefacing my comments with 'do you want to know...?'. Sometimes my friends tell me no, they don't, but my influence on them has not gone unnoticed. Now I'm hearing from people that watched this documentary who now want to change (almost) everything about their diet. Funny thing though, is I'm feeling like an outcast.
My diet is largely whole food plant based, but I do consume processed foods with full disclosure that they aren't the healthiest. I've actually gone from my early beginnings as a cheese eating vegetarian who focused on health to eating pasta that as an omni was veggie based to now with Tofurky sausage. I love Gardein, soy chorizo, and Daiya block chese. And my diet isn't seen as anything like what people get from "what the health" even though it really is, and this comes from people who are still eating tuna, cheese and some free range eggs for protein!
I watched the response from this doctor-An Actual Doctor Watches What The Health as well as Ginny Messina-How the Health Argument Fails Veganism and can't be more in agreement with both.
I'm "mostly" vegan because I can be, because there is no good reason for me not be vegan. I don't need to say meat will kill you when I can say beans are better and nobody needs to get killed.
What impact have you seen from this documentary? Do you know people who getting on the bandwagon like some kind of cult? Ridiculed for buying packaged vegan products?
Do you know any documentaries that simply promote a vegan life for just being better?
I hadn't heard about the documentary or the movement until your post. I suspect the movement will turn out to be a fad, and therefore fleeting, like all the other food fads.

I would not rate well among the consciously health conscious folk. I don't eat much processed food, but that's because of a combination of the fact that I don't like most of the stuff I've tried, and I don't want to try expensive stuff that I may not like.
I have heard only bad things about the document from all sides so I have choosen not to watch it because I don't want to support it.

What I do feel is that 1. Any reduction in the consumption of animal based products is a good thing.
2. I refuse to argue about food. Life is too short.

I am sorry if you have been ridiculed for your choices. Remember that you are doing this for yourself, not anyone else. ❤
What impact have you seen from this documentary? Do you know people who getting on the bandwagon like some kind of cult?
I've seen several people online give that documentary as their reason for going vegan.
Do you know any documentaries that simply promote a vegan life for just being better?
Not sure, maybe ... The Vegan Society in the UK has a couple of documentaries, including Making The Connection, see e.g. here: Videos and film
Ugh-When this first came out I felt inundated with people that were shocked by what this documentary exposed. While people sounded ready to never eat animal products again it felt like deja-ju of when the all news shows exposed what went into hot dogs. People can now eat hot dogs just fine while discussing the crap :confused:
Anyway, it's all died down now, for the average person. I still come across what almost seems like anti-vegan propaganda on "plant based" forums. Like if someone posts a recipe or talks about Gardien products they get shamed. There's a youtube called 'but it's vegan' that does a job with this. Yeah, it's vegan! If you don't like it because it's not "whole" enough for you don't eat it, but you don't need to shame those who do.
I miss when Ellen Degeneres used to promote vegan. Not even sure if she is anymore, not on her website
To this day I still give high props to Mark Bittman for getting people to reduce animal products, even if not going veg