I've had some "fake" honey too, and thought it tasted pretty similar. Can't remember the product or brand name though, sorry. It was made from flower nectar, at least in part.
Yeah, for me it was the rice nectar. Yet I've been told by others it tasted nothing like honey, and for me the apple and agave nectar ones don't taste anything like it.
Hmm, these are all interesting ideas. I do like maple syrup, but it's not quite as diverse as honey. (Hot water+maple syrup+lemon? Ick) So I'll have to give the rice nectar or the apple based one a try. Thanks everyone
I've found Organic Brown Rice Syrup. It's really yummy, tastes great on oatmeal and it has only two ingredients: Organic brown rice, and water. Doesn't get much better than that.
I've found Organic Brown Rice Syrup. It's really yummy, tastes great on oatmeal and it has only two ingredients: Organic brown rice, and water. Doesn't get much better than that.
Making the switch to give up animal products is liberating. I feel like I'm living more closely to my ideals and I feel better about myself. It's easy to just fall into step with what everyone around you is doing. I don't like to stand out, and giving up animal products definitely makes you stand out. But I'm realizing that I need to "be the change I want to see in the world" and even if no one else in my circles is doing it, I need to take that first step. And I believe that as more people decide to go vegan, it will be easier for others to do the same because it won't be seen as so "extreme".
I think that's what makes others so defensive- it's not so much that they like the taste too much to give it up, after all no one I know would eat a cat or a dog no matter how good it may taste. It's really a cultural thing, it's how me and my friends/family were raised.
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