Oh, I forgot to answer to the other question. Would I also be part of the KILLING and HUNTING? I can't even watch fishing, when it's shown on documents or movies, so I'd try my best to get to the cleaning team: I'd gladly do the dishes, scrub the floors and dust the surfaces.
But if someone would tell me to kill a fish, on that ship, where there is no way out, unless I kill myself... I would hunt and kill the fish. And even though I cringe when hunters say that they respect their pray, in that situation, I'd try to tell myself the same.
Why I would comply, is that I wouldn't want to attract any unwanted attention, as a female I have to take care and protect myself, even before anything starts to happen. So I'd hunt and kill and pretend, that nothing troubles or disgust me.
- When I'd cast spells or pray, I assumed that I'd have my own cabin for that.
And it would be nice if a pod of dolphins would swim me to a carbivore paradise. Would that be plausible? If I'd jump to the sea and dolphins would rescue me and then they'd take me to an island full of banana, walnut, potato and carrot fields?
It's weird that I believe killing to be very hard, but eating the victim (when hungry) would be easier?
As a vegan newbie I saw nightmares, over and over again, of a same kind of scenario, but it was war. Me and other survivors were starting to eat in our shelter. But we had only managed to scavenge canned meat soup. The main thought in my head was that in this situation, it would be ungrateful to decline from eating, but if I ate, I'd also feel terrible. So there was no way to win, only to survive or die.
It's impossible situation. The unprepared make horrible things in the name of surviving, and even survivalists, who have been prepared for most SHTF situations, can't be prepared for absolutely everything.