I haven't had dental insurance in 8 years, so I haven't been to the dentist in 8 years.
I brush twice a day with a manual brush and usually floss twice a day.
My teeth look terrible. I had a lower one pulled on the side and the bottom ones started to shift, now they're all tilted.
When I was about 11 years old I was jumping into a public pool and my mouth hit the side and knocked out the front one. It was literally hanging by a piece of gum. The lifeguard ran over and tried to yank it out and I screamed, there was blood everywhere. The dentist ended up pushing it back into my gum and put a sort of cast on the four front teeth to hold it in and give it a chance to reattach itself. The tooth did reattach itself right to the bone, so I couldn't get the braces I needed. Whatever the cast was made of caused damage to all four teeth. The dentist tried to put some stuff on them to cover it up, but it made it look worse. The front tooth was also chipped, and another piece broke off a few years later, so they decided to cap it. I don't know why they didn't cap it from the start. When I got it capped the dentist put it on so it was leaning towards the other front tooth. He said he thought it looked better that way instead of there being a gap. I told him I'd rather have it straight even if there was a small gap, but he said it was too late. Stupid dentist.