A friend pressured me to say why I was vegan today. I said that from my experience, eating meat and dairy never seems to work out well for the animal. I also said I have seen too many working farms to believe otherwise.
My friend told me that vegans are pushy and ignorant. He said that milking cows does not hurt the animal. He also recommended drinking certified humane organic milk.
I really was not interested in changing his mind. I even paid for his non-vegan lunch.
He ended the conversation by hollering "F. Y." in front of everyone at the food court in the mall. He did not even touch his plate of chicken at the mall. He simply walked away from us without touching his food.
I think the guy is prejudiced against vegans. Am I correct?
I know the guy is going through very difficult times. Still, I do not see the big deal about me not eating animal products.
The guy even suggested that I am not a real vegan because I am 30 pounds overweight. He said that vegans are always skinny.
Perhaps you could suggest that he meditates, send him some meditations and then give him plenty of time and space before talking to him again?
Then, kindly explain to him that what he did offended you (if that’s right), and that, if he wouldn’t like it done to him, why should he do it to anyone else, including vegans. Kindly explain that not all vegans are aggressive, stereotypical types.
Then, kindly explain your reasons for being vegan. If he has any animals or claims to love/like animals, perhaps you could bring up this, too.
Follow the Hippocratic method when trying to get him to go vegan (please do this, for the animals’ sake, the planet’s sake and, possibly, his sake). Ask him plenty of polite questions (do you think it is moral to kill animals for unnecessary reasons when they have an interest in living? Would you like to go through what they go through? Is it doable to be vegan and healthy? What’s your opinion on the state of our planet? What’s more important to you; the lives of animals, your health and the health of our poor planet or your personal tastes?). Please also send him some links to documentaries and tell him kindly about the cruelties that animals are subjected to in the meat, fish, dairy and egg industries (did you know that they chop male piglets’ testicles out and tails and teeth without anaesthetic and gas pigs (causing them to burn on the insides) before slitting their throats? Did you know that (insert percentage here) of turkeys, chickens and ducks are factory-farmed with only a tiny amount of space? Did you know that dairy cattle can pine for days for their calves? Did you know veal is the meat of baby calves who are deliberately fed an iron-deficient diet so that they become severely anaemic and that’s why veal is so white? Have you heard that you can halve your carbon footprint just by going vegan? Did you know you can improve your health and reduce your risks of (insert diseases here) by going vegan?)
