News Is factory farming to blame for coronavirus?


Forum Legend
Jun 8, 2018
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San Mateo, Ca
  1. Vegan
Scientists are tracing the path of Sars-CoV-2 from a wild animal host –
but we need to look at the part played in the outbreak by industrial food production

The headline is a bit of clickbait. But I forgive them. Mostly because it got me to start reading the article. I finished the article because of its own merits. And in retrospect, I cannot think of a better headline. Well, not one that would get anyone to read the article.

The article even addresses an uncomfortable issue.

"There have been claims on social media, sometimes posted by vegans, that if we ate less meat there would have been no Covid-19. Interestingly, some of these have been blocked by mainstream news organisations as “partly false”. But the claims are also partly true. Though the links they draw are too simplistic, the evidence is now strong that the way meat is produced – and not just in China – contributed to Covid-19."

This is just as relevent-

Why I want to scream when I hear (and hear all the time) how we were blindsided by this virus, nothing we could have done, came out of nowhere.....
How come I heard about the dangers of these animal virus' mutating? How come I heard at the beginning of every cold and flu season we were ripe for another world wide pandemic like the Spanish Flu?
The U.S. National Institutes of Health has announced that the Covid-19 virus is of natural origin - it was not fabricated in a lab. This was confirmed through genetic sequencing of the virus. Genomic Study Points to Natural Origin of COVID-19

When Covid-19 was first announced earlier this year, some guy in my office consulted his conspiracy theory "sources", then quietly and confidently proclaimed that the virus was made in a laboratory. I've noticed this; some people speak with complete certainty, even when their claims are unsubstantiated.
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This is just as relevent-

Why I want to scream when I hear (and hear all the time) how we were blindsided by this virus, nothing we could have done, came out of nowhere.....
How come I heard about the dangers of these animal virus' mutating? How come I heard at the beginning of every cold and flu season we were ripe for another world wide pandemic like the Spanish Flu?
Hello Silva

Just watched that, never seen it before, thank you for bringing it to my attention. Oh. My. God... So way back in 2008ish, people knew what can cause a pandemic. Michael Greger is frightening accurate about what is happening now. How weird is it he also mentions toilet paper towards the end in a throwaway comment about a trip to get groceries? The sad thing is he had hope that we could change it.

But, prophetically, he also says that continuing the practices we have, is creating the 'perfect storm', and that history shows governments react after the disaster has happened.... :pensive:

I wish his video could be broadcast at prime time TV here, and everywhere else. I am so grateful I have become Vegan, this totally reinforces it is the right choice, and thank goodness for all the help and advice people have already given me. :relieved:

I can understand how you feel now Silva....
I watched Dr Greger's livestream question time yesterday and he mentioned he has been working 24/7 on a new ebook and is having a live event on April 8th regarding the virus/pandemic and it will then be available on YouTube etc. "How Not to Die in a Pandemic" is the theme.

Fairly straightforward information I believe and as usual, backed up by science.

Emma JC

Everything everyone is hearing and seeing is a smoke screen. Zaosong Zeng caused the origin of this whole thing by trying to smuggle 21 vials of biological research from Boston to China on December 19.
Everything everyone is hearing and seeing is a smoke screen. Zaosong Zeng caused the origin of this whole thing by trying to smuggle 21 vials of biological research from Boston to China on December 19.

Provide evidence from reputable sources.
This is an example of David Wilcocks following- which is "Q". "Internet, TV and radio will be shut down from April 1 to April 10". Just so we can all check back tomorrow....


If one digs deep the info is there, however her is a link. Come to your own conclusion, but at least you have the info.

Yes, Eange. If you listen long enough to New Age seers, you can start to believe almost anything they say! And, when their prediction are wrong, they always have a cute excuse for it.

I'm sorry for the sarcasm, but these types of claims are designed to be impossible to refute. Even if a rational investigation (or history) proves these claims to be incorrect, you choose to believe the claims anyway, because (of course) the investigators are part of the conspiracy! Or, a shift in the ethereal axis prevented the 3 days of global darkness! Blah blah blah.

This is one of the negatives of vegan forums. Some people assume that we are interested in all manner of wacky fringe stuff.

Eange, if you are looking for kindred spirits, why don't you try the (warning: stereotype coming) raw vegan forums. They will tell you that cooked food is nutritionally dead - that boiled lentils are bad for you. From there, the sky's the limit!
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Yes, Eange. If you listen long enough to New Age seers, you can start to believe almost anything they say! And, when their prediction are wrong, they always have a cute excuse for it.

I'm sorry for the sarcasm, but these types of claims are designed to be impossible to refute. Even if a rational investigation (or history) proves these claims to be incorrect, you choose to believe the claims anyway, because (of course) the investigators are part of the conspiracy! Or, a shift in the ethereal axis prevented the 3 days of global darkness! Blah blah blah.

There are many forums for these particular interests of yours. This forum is not one of them.
don't apologize, i'm accustomed to these reactions. I gave my opinion to the original thread question and I stand by it. I do respect what you said however. peace and love up and down.
I've split the measles virus topic into a new thread, and I've also deleted some off-topic/bickering posts. However, EANGE's post is on-topic (i.e. answering the question in the OP). I think it's safe to say that the source he provided doesn't seem particularly reputable, at least on the surface of it. I'm definitely not tempted to watch a 3h25m video from divinecosmos dot com to find out more.
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