I know that I was convinced by a colleague's arguments that I should go vegetarian, so I do try to explain my views on veganism to friends and family and I find that they show interest in what I say. At the same time I try not to be preachy, as others have said. With friends and family you have to tell them that you are vegan, so that they understand why you are not accepting that piece of cheesecake they are offering - I mean you must be stupid if you turn down the offer of cheesecake, so I think they want a good reason for my doing so. If you have eaten meat, cheese etc. all your life, you see that as normal and many people have really never thought about the morality of it or even about the selfish reasons why they might want to try a vegan meal/day/week. Of course you can do it by stealth and just give them a meal that turns out to be vegan, because that was what was in the fridge.