We really need to remove health standards when we use the term vegan. Vegan only means what you don't eat, and just because it's cholesterol free does not imply heart health!I agree. From what I know (about health and diet- I probably have an above-average grasp of this, BUT I'm not a health-care professional), a vegan would almost have to make an effort to contract cardiovascular disease. Granted, a few vegan foods are high in saturated fat (e.g., coconut oil), and trans fats from hydrogenated vegetable oil could be a problem.
Use "plant based", or better yet, WFPB, as a sub category
As a vegan my total cholesterol went up to as much as it was before I even went vegetarian. I had it lowered to 160 while still eating some dairy, but wfpb other than occasional pizza and low fat dairy yogurt. When I tried to stick with WFPB completely my individual levels were far better--like low ldl, higher hdl
Vegan eating Beyond Burgers, vegan cheeses, vegan mayo, sweets and baked goods--omni levels