I think supplements are better than animal cruelty
Which does not contradict the previously mentioned. Besides he is not mentioning any study to corroborate that statement..
Dr. Ornish makes the following statement about supplements:
"Despite some of the conflicting evidence supporting the benefits of supplements, there are cases where a multivitamin/mineral supplement is a good nutrition insurance policy to ensure adequate daily intake for basic nutritional needs. It is reasonable that some days our intake may fall short. For example, if you’re adhering to a low-fat, vegan diet, your vitamin B12 may be absent, and other vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, calcium, iron and zinc can be low depending on your food choices. Nutrient absorption can also be impaired as we age and because of interactions with certain medications such as prolonged use of Metformin for diabetes. In these cases of deficiency or poor absorption, a basic multivitamin/mineral supplement may help fill in the nutritional gaps."
Link: Ornish Lifestyle Medicine | What is the Role of Supplements in a Healthy Diet?
Agreed it's hard to take excessive amounts of vitamins and minerals from food but it's not difficult to exaggerate when one is taking supplements, in particular self medicating. Besides evidence seems to show that less is better than too much. For instance a lot of people are obsessed with omega-3 yet Vegsource mentions studies that show prostate cancer being associated with higher levels of omega-3.I was saying it in relevance to how if a cow eats supplements and you eat supplement through the dairy, its not the same thing. Besides, your body's needs for nutrition varies. Based on yours instincts, you can vary which food to eat more or less. However, your supplement quantity is fixed.
However, since you asked, I'm happy to go on this tangent. There is little to no oversight when supplements are manufactured. Take a look at compounding pharmacies for instance which barely get any oversight and it is flooded with problems:Even when I buy food from market, I smell it and detect it to see if its safe for consumption, there is no such option with supplement. True, no such option is available with medication either and this is why I use them as the very last resort.
Here is some evidence with quick googling, sure some more can come up if I dig deeper: Most Vitamin Pills Are Useless, But Here Are The Ones You Should Take
I feel thats a closed minded statement. You've already made up your mind that supplements are good. So unless I try all of them, I'm wrong? Like I said, I've a screening process and none of them look any good. I've also tried a variety of them and they never sat good with me from organic store.
I agree fresh food, mineral water, more fresh air..they are all good ideas. But the gut instinct I follow is if I can't tell the difference, then there probably isn't one. I try to stay in touch with my sense which for the most part, don't fail me.
Besides, I buy food from cows that aren't injected with growth hormones.
I truly believe you're fooling yourselfWhats not better is telling myself that a tiger can hunt for his pleasure and yet I'm stuck to eating supplement for essential nutrients.
David3, this is what I'm talking about. The site link looks like those erectile dysfunction or 6 pack miracle scam ads. The bottle design doesn't look any better. Though its possible to fake genuinity, it doesn't make sense to fake non-genuinity. (keep up with me, I just made those words up hehe) Even if a product doesn't have funding, I've seen a genuine product will have genuine design. That you can usually connect with the buyer using mirror neurons. Meaning, if you ask yourself, what kinda mentality you would be in to make a design like that, you will understand the level of genuinity of the producer.
Vegans look to avoid harming animals as much as possible, people have been vegan for years and are healthy on it. Some people won’t ever go vegan, I believe you are one of them. It’s less annoying when people are at least honest about it and don’t try to hide behind a lame excuse or try to convince vegans that they’re wrong.
Agreed it's hard to take excessive amounts of vitamins and minerals from food but it's not difficult to exaggerate when one is taking supplements, in particular self medicating. Besides evidence seems to show that less is better than too much. For instance a lot of people are obsessed with omega-3 yet Vegsource mentions studies that show prostate cancer being associated with higher levels of omega-3.
The benefits of calories restriction are already well known but they also mention nutrients restriction. They seem to exaggerate a bit, and it may be dangerous to take it to extremes. It also may change with age and lifestyle. The traditional societies they mention that lived longer and had nutrient restrictions also had different lifestyles. Don't know for instance how much sexual activity may deplete a person of nutrients, untill the 60's both in tradition and conventional medicine it was considered to do so and to make males dumber. Nutritious foods, usually animal products, like eggs, dairy and honey were often recommended for people who were very sexually active. But since then it seems that the issue became something of a tabu, so don't know how much of this is validated by science.
I truly believe you're fooling yourself
Why are you obsessed with supplements? The only thing you won't get on a plant based diet is B12.
Sciatica is an inflammatory problem that can be agravated by certain foods including dairy as saturated fat increases inflamation.Thats kinda pessimistic. Everyone changes, for some the change is so slow, they die before they do. I'm here willing to challenge my belief by posting. This shows I'm willing to put effort to learn. For you to assume I'm hopeless just shows you are afraid of changing yours maybe through a discussion?
There is substantial evidence that lack of nutrients causes malfunctions in the body. By only measuring the body via its longevity is taking quantity, not quality of life into account. You can't recycle nutrients that aren't even present in potato.
I already have tension headaches, backaches, sciatica, calf spasms...the point is...there are always 100 things going wrong in our body. So we try to live in harmony with natural sense to make sure we can be healthiest. By constantly eating something that doesn't agree with my body, I dont want to add another unexplained element to guess if this is whats causing this. I grew up eating Homeopathy meds coz my mom believed in them and later realized it was all quakery and some of them were really bad for me and made my health much worse.
Instead of trying to live a perfect life, we also have to make focus on consequential changes. There are many vegans that are against animal testing. But I would always prefer a med to go through a round of animal testing before they are applied to humans. It is just basic survival. So yes, as a species on this planet, we should stop global warming and deforestation to help everyone else live but at the same time, we deserve a little piece of the pie. There are many carnivorous animals eating meat all the time. It shouldn't make a difference to the big picture if we only add drinking milking.
Hi skhande2,
A Registered Dietitian (RD) can help you to plan a vegan diet that is satisfying, nutritionally-complete, and that addresses your health issues. A Registered Dietitian is certainly not a quack - they are required to have university degrees in dietetics, plus certification testing, internship, and career-long continuing education. An RD will work with you and your physician.
In the United States, you can find a local Registered Dietitian through the website of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Eatright.org - Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics . Just click on the red "Find An Expert" button in the upper-right portion of that webpage.
I see no need to further belabor any points.
All of my first responses are rude. so let's just move on....How can a dietician help me plan a vegan diet when I dont like any of the supplements? I'm looking at other options though..like this: Scientists Are Figuring Out How to Get Astronauts to Eat Their Own Poop (our poop actually has vitamin b12 similar to how animal's gut bacteria are able to develop one)...Once they make some advancement to turn our poop edible..maybe
.How can a dietician help me plan a vegan diet when I dont like any of the supplements? I'm looking at other options though..like this: Scientists Are Figuring Out How to Get Astronauts to Eat Their Own Poop (our poop actually has vitamin b12 similar to how animal's gut bacteria are able to develop one)...Once they make some advancement to turn our poop edible..maybe
I've also heard soil sometimes have it and I've heard of edible soil but cannot find any reliable source to attain it. I also wonder if its possible to culture it at home. I dont like the idea of eating pure vitamin b12. If I can culture it like yogurt, it will develop with fiber and I think then I can use my instincts to judge whether to eat it or not.
There is also some research into meat developed in lab so innocent lives aren't taken but that is not ready for market. Maybe this technological breakthrough, if without sideeffect, can easily change the landscape of everyone's diet?!
Faki, I noticed you are vegetarian too. Do you notice a extremism vibe from socializing with vegans like if we can't part on agree to disagree, if they can't convince me, they always part on the vibe, "what an idiot"? This reminds me of some polarized political individuals who can't just keep their personal emotions out and show a level of humility when discussing.
Read the header again. I didn't come here to ask how to be a vegan. I came here to ask if vegetarian diet is moral. lol And no, it doesn't feel small. I've been vegan before and hated taking supplements everyday..
The only supplement that you truly, truly need is vitamin B12 (assuming that you can get regular sun exposure on your skin, for vitamin D production).
The recommended dose of vitamin B12 is extremely small - perhaps 2000 micrograms (2 milligrams) per week. If you're not willing to make this small concession (and instead would prefer to eat dirt), then that's your decision.
A Registered Dietitian is well-qualified to help you to plan your vegan diet. If you choose not to consult such an authority, that's your decision.
The reason why you're getting a negative vibe is because (1) you claim that want to be vegan, but (2) you seem unwilling to take even the smallest doses of supplements. Some of us here on VeganForum have been vegan for decades. We know what it takes to succeed on the diet, but you stubbornly refuse our advice.
.Read the header again. I didn't come here to ask how to be a vegan. I came here to ask if vegetarian diet is moral. lol And no, it doesn't feel small. I've been vegan before and hated taking supplements everyday.
Actually it is a strict vegetarian diet which is also without any animal products and it includes vitamin B12 once a week.How can a dietician help me plan a vegan diet when I dont like any of the supplements? I'm looking at other options though..like this: Scientists Are Figuring Out How to Get Astronauts to Eat Their Own Poop (our poop actually has vitamin b12 similar to how animal's gut bacteria are able to develop one)...Once they make some advancement to turn our poop edible..maybe
I've also heard soil sometimes have it and I've heard of edible soil but cannot find any reliable source to attain it. I also wonder if its possible to culture it at home. I dont like the idea of eating pure vitamin b12. If I can culture it like yogurt, it will develop with fiber and I think then I can use my instincts to judge whether to eat it or not.
There is also some research into meat developed in lab so innocent lives aren't taken but that is not ready for market. Maybe this technological breakthrough, if without sideeffect, can easily change the landscape of everyone's diet?!
Faki, I noticed you are vegetarian too. Do you notice a extremism vibe from socializing with vegans like if we can't part on agree to disagree, if they can't convince me, they always part on the vibe, "what an idiot"? This reminds me of some polarized political individuals who can't just keep their personal emotions out and show a level of humility when discussing.
I like how this explains it simply--All of my first responses are rude. so let's just move on....
To the best of my knowledge that we can get B12 from eating soil or unwashed veggies is a myth. yes, b12 producing bacteria live in the soil and on roots. That how they end up in cows. but again as far as I know you can't just eat dirt for B12.
According to Mic the Vegan, you can get B12 "naturally" from Duckweed
Vitamin B12
Comments on daily B-12 vitamin --> # of mcgs level. Some say if you eat the right foods, you don't need it. I've heard 1000mcg per day for vegans / vegetarians is common. Costco sells 5000mcg capsules!! I recognize some folks with a B-12 shortage need more. Assume a healthy person w/no...www.veganforum.org
Pharmaceuticals grow vats of bacteria where they then harvest B12. in a sense this is not so different from the process of creating yeast for bread or beer. In a sense, it is no less natural than making beer or wine.
Supplements don't agree with my natural sense. Like the feeling you get after you eat...I dont like its effects on my body. However, eating eggs increases the risk of of heart disease by 10% and my family has history of heart problems. I also don't feel my heart is well. So I'm basically vegan except yogurt. I've to balance survival and morality.
Your post suggests no diet is moral.As long as there are victims, your diet is not moral. That's the simple truth. Veganism has a definition (per the vegan society) and means to exclude all animal abuse and exploitation, or the products therof. Yogurt made from breastmilk (unless that milk was given with the mother's consent) absolutely involves exploitation, and most often abuse. One is either vegan or not. There's no such thing as "mostly feminist, but I just hit my wife every now and then," or "mostly anti-slavery...I just own one slave and I'm really nice to him," or "mostly vegan...I just hit my dog, but I don't eat meat or eggs." Veganism = anti animal abuse. The only reason people equate it with diet is because most of the animals we abuse are for the purpose of eating them or their secretions. You sound plant based and if that's where you are, that's where you are. Your diet, as you described, has victims. If that doesn't sit well with you, there's no reason why you can't change.