
Forum Legend
Jun 4, 2012
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A time when VVers send their friends a bag containing a special treat to fill their hearts with joy!!

First and foremost, a few guidelines:
In order to participate there are a few requirements:

*Joined VV prior to the post of this thread, and have made at least 20 posts.If you've successfully sent a box in Secret Santa of past vegan exchanges, then you will be exempt from this requirement. If you're close to meeting the requirements, please do send me a PM ;maybe we can work something out.

*If you have failed to send a package in a previous exchange, please PM me before signing up.

*If you're under 18, please get your parents' permission first.

*PLEASE DO NOT SIGN UP IF THERE IS A POSSIBILITY OF DIFFICULTIES WITH MAILING YOUR BOX! We're aiming to have 3 or 4 exchanges a year, so you'll have another chance to participate.

*It's not necessary to be a vegan to participate in the exchange, but any item sent must be vegan.

*A cap of$10-15 total (USD), not including shipping is suggested. Homemade items are welcome too..don't feel that you can't participate if this is too steep for you. Please note that shipping internationally can easily be $25 or more in itself. If you are concerned about this, please request someone within your own country.

* You will select an inexpensive reusable bag (or bags)and fill with a treat ( or treats) of your choosing or per your receiver's answers from the Q&A thread which will be started shortly after matches are received.
So, if all this sounds good to you, join in the fun by sending a PM to sallyomally including the following information:

*Your VV name

*your real name

*your address

*whether you are willing and/or prefer to ship internationally

PLEASE NOTE: If you participated in the winter exchange, there is no need to send your info again, unless there has been a change. Just a quick pm to let me know you wish to join in will do.


Last day to sign up: Monday, March 3123:laptop:

Matches received by: Saturday, April 5

Boxes received between May 10-31:chickens:
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Reactions: Second Summer
I'll think about it during the week and decide if I can commit the time and money, but I may have to pass on the exchanges until after the wedding :(
I may be able to do this, I'll let you know by the end of the day. Just waiting for confirmation on a rental I applied for.