Full article: We should give up trying to save the world from climate change, says James Lovelock (The Telegraph, 8. April 2014)Saving the planet from climate change is ‘beyond our ability’ and we should stop wasting time trying to tackle global warming, a leading scientist has claimed.
James Lovelock, who first detected CFCs in the atmosphere and proposed the Gaia hypotheses, claims society should retreat to ‘climate-controlled cities’ and give up on large expanses of land which will become uninhabitable.
Lovelock, who has just published his latest book A Rough Ride To The Future, claims we should be ‘strengthening our defences and making a sustainable retreat.’
Well, it certainly seems quite hopeless, since there are so many countries, and there is no way to force them all to agree to emission targets, or to decide what would be fair emission targets, whether developing countries should be largely exempt etc.