Jobs - now and in the past


Forum Legend
Sep 15, 2013
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I was just wondering what VVers work with, and what have you worked with in the past.
I presume you mean what do I do for work now and in the past?

I have worked as an accountant, an internal auditor and a financial analyst in a variety of industries including airlines, student loan guarantor, vitamin manufacturing, health insurance, wholesale food distribution and a venture capitalist firm that specialized in transportation.

Oh and just so I don't seem so monolithic. .. prior and during college, I worked as a supermarket cashier, a stock clerk for a liquor store and a yuppie trinket store, a tutor, a tax preparer, I mowed lawns, and was the treasurer for the Boston Vegetarian Society.
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Odd or in between jobs: door to door knife salesman, Rite Aid cashier, PetSmart cashier, barley chucker, masonry assistant, security guard, actor in minor roles in cheesy Chinese movies.

More significant jobs: Helping stepfather as a kid (carpenter or commercial fisherman depending on the season), Navy cryptologist, Army cavalry scout, teacher of English as a second language, translator/interpreter, overseas factory rep., VIP host (rich people concierge) at Mandalay Bay.

Currently working as a correctional officer in Canada while doing my weekend warrior thing as a cavalry scout in the US National Guard.

Yeah, I'm indecisive. Plus my nerd and adrenaline junkie sides are always bickering with either.
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I have been in journalism for three decades and have worked as a reporter, assigning editor, feature section editor, assistant editor and copy editor for various newspapers. I am a copy editor at a magazine at the moment. I also, while unemployed, became certified as a paralegal but never worked as one. I have also done bookkeeping and freelance editing over the years.
I have been in journalism for three decades and have worked as a reporter, assigning editor, feature section editor, assistant editor and copy editor for various newspapers. I am a copy editor at a magazine at the moment. I also, while unemployed, became certified as a paralegal but never worked as one. I have also done bookkeeping and freelance editing over the years.

That's cool! Never knew that.

I work in beauty retail. Previously in catering, a coffee shop, a bakery & a nanny with brief jobs at a pre-school & a sweet factory.
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In order ..

Shaved monkey (retail).


Sheet metal worker.

Direct (to public in their homes) 'high pressure' salesman.

Commercial (capital equipment) salesman.

Sales manager and sales trainer.

Managing Director.

Small business consultant and trouble shooter.

Small business owner.
Most of my jobs have been in the charity sector, both paid and voluntary. I've had lots of little temp jobs too, weirdly one of the most fun temp jobs I've had was working for a bank. The bank manager did offer me a proper job but I wasn't interested. I don't want to be a banker as everyone hates them.:p

actor in minor roles in cheesy Chinese movies.

Yeah. What you do for work now, and what you have done in the past. :)

I got my first paid job when I was 11-12 years old. As a support for a girl that were a couple of years older than me, that had a bit problems at home and no friends (so in fact, I was a paid friend almost...). I also drove around with the paper one summer.

Waiter and small part chef on a pizza restaurant at the main airport in Norway.

And ironic I've worked several years at different farms. With all kinds of animals. Hens (caged), horses, milk cows, sheep, geese, pigs.

Dog handler on a Norwegian children's movie. And a couple of summers as a dog walker.

Now I work as a security guard and done that for 8.5 years.

(And studied several years on the university).
I have had many jobs over the years. As I grew up on a farm, I have been a tractor driver, weeder, cow herder, baby calf nanny, egg gatherer, pig feeder among other things related to farming. :D As a teen, I baby sat for the neighbors then got a job as a maid at a resort hotel. In college I worked as an office assistant for a professor and did computer key punch work as it was a hundred years ago before modern computing. :D I worked in child care for many years and have a degree in Early Childhood Education. I have been a teacher in that field for a few different companies and even was hired to design and implement a program for a small business college. I also worked in retail for many years. When I worked in a computer store, I was taught to build and repair computers and I also taught people how to use their new machines. I was able to combine my computer skills with my teaching skills with a company called Computer Tots that gave lessons to young children in their preschools. This is all back in the 90's before everyone had a computer. More recently I worked for Sally Beauty Supply, RadioShack, and now TJ Maxx.
Whew! :D
I babysat and house/pet sat when young, and have been a day camp counselor, a lifeguard (pool lol), worked the Wendys drive up window, a waitress in several places, a secretary at IBM, a stay at home mom, and a registered nurse.

As a nurse I've worked in hospitals (mostly night shift) in fields of pediatrics, neonatal intensive care, newborn nursery, postpartum mom/baby, pedi ER, lactation consultant, gyn surgical, labor and delivery.

Presently I work days as a nurse/lactation consultant in a large OB/GYN/midwife practice.
I forgot to mention my one-year stint as a conscientious objector. First 6 weeks or so in a camp with other wanna-be hippies, then a school year or so in a junior high school (not my favourite job!) and then a summer at a summer school for elementary school kids - loved it!