JustUs Too

Graeme M

Forum Legend
Nov 23, 2019
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Canberra, Australia
  1. Vegan
I decided to walk my own talk. I started a FB page to promote awareness about veganism. But not traditional (what I call "strong") veganism. I believe that veganism is really about fairness and justice for other species; that we seek to be fair to other animals whenever we can, and "whenever we can" is up to the person. I think that even the smallest steps are part of the whole journey, so I wanted a space where I'd share my ideas and offer info and insights into how we can do that. And why. As the page grows (if it does of course) I'll be featuring stories about progress in the fields of animal welfare, animal justice, government policy and programs etc. One thing I hope to do is to have some actual animal farmers share their stories about how they provide quality welfare for their herds. The page is NOT aimed at vegans, but everyday folk who might be open to thinking along these lines. I hope in time my posts might generate some interesting discussion.

The page is called JustUs Too and I've renamed my blog to justustoo.blog. I have styled this approach as a "movement" of sorts, in a way reflecting the MeToo movement. I don't mean it as a formal movement, but more a loose collective idea that everyone can support or take part in. I am hoping to counter some of the toxic debate around about veganism, especially the anger that some of the more vocal activism has created.

No idea how successful this will be or whether I will not just get burned out with it. But we will see.
That's awesome, good luck with it!

How will you frame "quality welfare"...an acceptable end point or merely a better but still unjust way? Would you attempt to verify farmer's welfare claims and provide the context that the practices still include many forms of violence?
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How will you frame "quality welfare"...an acceptable end point or merely a better but still unjust way? Would you attempt to verify farmer's welfare claims and provide the context that the practices still include many forms of violence?
Initially by using those farmers I actually know who work to maximise welfare, but in other cases self-selection. My tack with this is not to defend animal farming but to provide insight into just what does happen with many production practices and why. Readers can form their own opinions and ask questions. As I think I mentioned once before, I think vegans/advocates are morally obliged to support better welfare practices in farming, so being better informed about pracices helps us to know what we might want to support (by support, I do NOT mean economically). But I want to stress this is through the lens of justice for other species, framed both as "veganism" and commitment to fairer choices.