When I left work this afternoon, I stopped at the gas sstation across the street and got gas, $57 and change.
When I got back to Santa Monica, I stopped at the co-op and bought: (typing from memory, the receipt is in my purse and I don't want to go get it)
organic lettuce mix (baby spinach and arugula)
organic blueberries
2 pairs of tie-dyed socks
3 almanacs (two will be gifts)
cooked quinoa from the hot food bar
rice/lentil mix from the deli case
also from the deli case, three salads: One beet, one Thai (with tofu) and one Greek. Beet salad has already been eaten.

3 bottles of water
Back to Nature lemon cookies
Back to Nature chocolate cookies
I think that's it. With tax and CRV, $115 and change