Moll, I was always intrigued by the Yamaha Disklavier (pseudo German mix of "disc" and "piano") range, where they basically added a very sophisticated mechanism that allows you to record and replay music (the keys are really moving as if a pianist was playing) on their normal pianos. One application, of course, is to purchase a famous pianist's rendition of a concert and have your piano play it to you.
This kind of automation, however, does not come cheap and adds a hefty premium to the already not cheap piano....
So for the one I just bought, here's its
automatic counterpart... at a mere 27,000 USD, about twice the price of the basic (new) piano (USD 14.000).
I paid about 1,500 USD for the used one in Malaysia, which is an incredibly good price ... in the US or in Europe, I would have to pay at least USD 4,500 for a good one ...