Special high fiber canned cat food for Bear, which he has to have for the rest of his life. Roughly $35 for a 24 can case. I can only get this at the vet's office or online.
Gas for my car, $44
Are there any vet clinics in your area? Maybe you can get Bear's food cheaper there.
I didn't do any Black Friday shopping per se, but I did run some errands today.
First I went to a compounding pharmacy in West LA to get some meds for my cat Bear. At the counter they had some tins of Bach's Rescue Remedy pastille drops for about $7 each, so I got one, black currant flavor. This is meant to help reduce stress, and kids, I gotta lot of stress in my life.Total for everything was about $122
Then I went to CVS Pharmacy and bought a few things, such as duct tape, cat litter, and three protein bars, buy 2 get 1 free with an Extracare coupon. I also had a 25% off my total coupon with my Extracare card that I pulled out of my newspaper yesterday. Total was about $56
Then I went to the Time Warner Cable customer service office to turn in a dead cable converter and get a new one to replace it. No money changed hands in the office, but I spent about 75 cents for parking.
After that, I stopped at Café Zella in my neighborhood and got a veggie burger and fresh lemonade for lunch. They were good.
In about 3 hours I'm going to take a walk up to Whole Foods and get some kind of beverage and some cookies for this brunch my sister is hosting for extended family tomorrow. While I'm at the store, I'll probably get something for dinner.
I'm too lazy to make any meals at home today.![]()
CVS version of Dayquil
CVS version of Nyquil
bag of Ricola Green Tea w/Echinacea cough drops
bag of CVS version of Halls Honey Lemon cough drops
1 large hand-pump bottle of CVS hand sanitizer
1 small purse size bottle of CVS hand sanitizer
1 bottle Knudsens Lemon, Ginger & Echinacea juice
6 cans of Amy & Brians coconut juice
2 bottles of Odwalla Strawberry Monster C juice
2 bottles of Sambazon Supergreens w/kale & ginger
2 papayas
Book for book club: Merry Christmas, Alex Cross by James Patterson
Time Magazine Alternative Medicine Issue
Rolling Stone magazine w/Obama on cover
Mad magazine w/oh the cover is just too frickin' funny so here it is:
thanks! day 4 of battling a head cold.Looks like you're getting ready for winter/the cold and flu season. Good luck staying healthy!
And oh, I haven't looked at Mad Magazine in about 20 years. Truly funny cover.![]()
At the counter they had some tins of Bach's Rescue Remedy pastille drops for about $7 each, so I got one, black currant flavor. This is meant to help reduce stress, and kids, I gotta lot of stress in my life.![]()
Kale, broccoli, garlic, Nakd bars, coconut water. & Christmas wrapping paper!![]()