Is that Swedish Glace like a sorbet?
Aldi had a rosemary hummusI'd have never thought to put rosemary in hummus and it's sooooo good! I'm a big rosemary fan!
I also got a jalepano lime hummus--too much cumin for my tastes, but ok in a salad wrap.My son will like it
A cantalope I hope is good
I'll go to another store for more fruit
I used to love the neopolitan tub Swedish glance did but haven't seen it around for such a long time!
I remember having neopolitan ice cream which was a block that came out of a carton when I was young.
I bought a HEPA air purifier to put in my bedroom to see if that helps with hayfever/allergies. It also gives out white noise so it can help with sleep.
The one you had to slice up? We usually had it after a roast Sunday lunch after coming back from church.
Slice up? I'm confused haha.
I would always leave the vanilla as I'm not a vanilla icecream kinda girl... But the chocolate & strawberry together - yum.
Haha OK, then they came to their senses & put it in a tub!
Actually that may not be too practical but it is much more environmentally friendly.