Took a trip to CVS Pharmacy today to get a prescription, and got a few other things:
Disposable razors, coupon
Shave gel, coupons
Body wash, coupon
Bar soap, coupon
Calcium supplements
Chocolate parfait hard candy, coupon
Pumpkin seeds
Raw almonds, coupon
Original Oreo cookies, coupon
Crystal deodorant, coupon
Drinking water, on sale, 2/$2.50 (1.5L)
$10 off minimum $40, applied
Total: $113.86 (I didn't expect to find the expensive, and vegetarian, calcium supplements there, otherwise my total would have been $40 cheaper.)
Plus I spent about $21 (including tips) taking Lyft there and back.
But the prescription was free because it was covered by my insurance.
The reason for the first three items: There's going to be a beach outing on Wednesday, and I might go. I don't have my bathing suit here (it's still back at my condo and I can't get it right now), so I'd wear shorts and a tank top. Still lots of exposed flesh!