It was a day of "shopping". I got a lot of stuff:
A huge jar of Tioctacid pills (lipoic acid) -100 pills, 600 milligrams each
Big jar of the pills that help my digestion:
Advanced nasal drops that help to reduce the symptoms of my nasal septum deviation;
4 vegan soap bars by "Levrana"!
A huge (and heavy) glass jar of Azeri pomegranate juice;
4 cans or red kidney beans;
2 disgusting pineapple juices;
Blueberry lemonade;
3 small boxes of store-brand pickled yuba;
1 small box of georgian-style pickled cabbage;
2 more jars of green plum Tkemali sauce;
2 packs of Azeri pink tomatoes;
A pack of raw shredded beets;
26 tiny citrus dressings (they may last me ~a month);
A very convenient big plastic container with a rubber lid;
5 packs of ground turmeric;
A small pack of Stenley plums;
1.5 kilos(!) of sugary Iranian dates;
300 grams of cashews;
+ I paid for the cab from Okey mall to our house, because the sack with all my stuff was so heavy, that i hardly dragged it out of the shop and carried it to the car.