I was going to have the chocolate after lunch. but since you said, "please".
.... yom yom yom....
OMG! It is so good.
now take into consideration its been years since I had milk chocolate
but I am going to get some Every time I go to TJs.
I have had Naysoya super firm tofu before. In fact, I have some in my frig right now. I sort of always keep my tofu in the freezer anyway so I think I took this out of the freezer to defrost. Anyway, I don't recall any issues. I will pay more attention next time I cook it. I think I'll cook it tonite or tomorrow night.
For a while there I was having trouble finding super firm tofu. I almost bought a tofu press. but so far it seems like I can find it again. Next time I'm at Molly Stone's (my local upscale market) I will take a look at what brands of super firm they have.
My TJs has not had any soy milk since.. .well its been a month or so. not even the shelf stable. I asked and they said it was supply chain issue. But I did buy Shelf stable soy beverage back when ever I was there and they had it. In fact, I've bought it a few times. The price is pretty good and I like to keep it for when I ran out of regular. must have been a good idea cause I don't have any now.
I need to reorganize my cupboards again. If I can make the room I think I will buy a case of shelf stable (I think its 10 or 12 quarts to a case)