Traffic this afternoon/evening was an absolute nightmare. Maybe it was because of V-Day, I don't know. There must have been a hell of a lot of horny bastards racing home to pork their SO's and getting into accidents. I got on the northbound 405 and got stuck in one of the worst traffic jams of my entire misbegotten life. And I had to pee.

So when I reached Culver City, I got off the freeway. I knew there was a Sprouts market nearby, so I went there and hightailed it into the loo. When I was done, even though I hadn't planned to stop there, I figured I may as well look around and see what they had on special. I bought:
1 container edamame and quinoa salad from the deli case
1 container of four bean salad from the deli case
1 box Nature's Path organic Peanut Butter Granola
which led me to get a shelf stable four-pack of Silk Very Vanilla soymilk
1/4 pound raw Brazil nuts from the bulk bin
1 bag chocolate covered almonds
1 package Newman's Own chocolate sandwich cookies
1 box Panda black licorice chews
1 pair of ethically sourced latex kitchen gloves (!)
1 box each of compostable corn (not plastic) disposable knives, forks and spoons (for work)
1 bag movie theater popcorn
2 boxes of blueberries
2 organic Fuji apples
Total: $46 and change. Some items were on special, some weren't. I got a five cent discount for bringing in my own reusable bag. Whoopee.
Got back on the 405, inched my way home with all the other cranky drivers. It was such a stressful commute, I'm still suffering from a little PTSD.
And before I got on the freeway to go home, I stopped at the gas station and got gas, $53.50 for 3 quarters of a tank of gas. Not even a full tank. I knew gas prices had been going up to an average of $4.20 a gal here in California. Why TF does it cost so much more here than anywhere else?