Last Thing You Bought?

Everything looks fabulous. You're lucky to have a place like that where you live! :up:
It's about 20 miles away and I don't own a car, so when I do get up there, I try to take full advantage of the opportunity. The city I live in has the largest population in the state and not a single vegan eatery.
In order to use my laptop in my bedroom, I have three (count 'em three) telephone extension cords connecting the laptop to a phone jack in the other room. This morning I tripped over one of them and broke it. Since I was going out anyway, I went to the 99 Cents Only Store and bought:

4 telephone extension cords, because they're cheap and might break again. And because I'm my father's daughter. He could never have just one of anything. :p (After he died and I went through his stuff, I found at least ten Swiss Army knives, both genuine and knockoffs. I have no idea why he needed so many. :shrug: I took one and carry it in my purse.) :p
1 box of plastic storage bags, for cleaning out the cat box and also for extra bagging for my bread to keep it from getting moldy. (I hope.)
a long handled dustpan because I've gotten older and I have low back pain whenever I bend over to use the short handled one.
a long handled broom, see above
a long handled picker upper and grabber because I'm, like, really short (5 ft and about 1/4 inch)
several cans and boxes of food for the postal carrier food drive on May 11
And another reusable bag because I only brought in one bag and I realized I needed another and I didn't want to leave everything at the checkout and rush out to my car to get one.

Total: (rounded up) $27

I then went to the compounding pharmacy to get a refill of Lactulose (stool softener) which I give to my cat Bear for his constipation/impaction. Total: (rounded up) $20

After that I went next door to Rite-Aid and bought:

1 container of half and half to give Bear which complements the stool softeners I give him.
2 boxes of Junior Mints
2 Balance protein bars, chocolate peanut butter
2 boxes Junior Mints
2 bottles of water
3 Tom's of Maine soap, 1 Eco-Tools Sleep Mask and 1 Eco-Tools exfoliant bath glove. These will be combined with the 3 containers of unscented Aveeno hand lotion I got dirt cheap at Target several weeks ago and will be given to my mother, my sister and my niece in law for Mother's Day (the new mom gets the sleep mask, even though at this point in her life she'll probably be operating on just 30 minutes of nap time per day) :p *new baby*
2 packages of pumpkin seeds

Total: (rounded up) $27

ETA: After I posted this, I went out again in search of lunch. But first, I went here with a big bag of videos, the Beverly Hills Cop Soundtrack on vinyl, a new agey CD I have no idea how it got into my possession but I don't want it and two DVDs (Lost in Translation, which someone gave me and I didn't like and Harriet The Spy). However, the young woman in charge of buying used stuff passed over most of what I brought in because she said the videos were an outmoded format and most of what I brought in she wouldn't be able to sell. She took only 3 or 4 videos and Lost In Translation. She gave me $1 for everything for my trouble. I guess I'm going to have to have a yard sale to get rid of everything else. :eek: (Okay, so this thread is last thing you bought, not last thing you sold, but what the hey, it's not every day someone gives me $1.) I browsed around and then went off to get gas for my car. I was able to use my Ralphs Rewards points and got 20 cents off per gallon, cost me $46, rounded up.

Then I headed off to Burger King and got a veggieburger, small fries and small diet Coke. Cost me $5.99 for everything. Cheap lunch, and sure tastes like it. :yuck: Okay, I was craving french fries. I hadn't had any in a century. However, I think next time I'm in that area I'm going to stop instead at Hungry Pocket for a falafel sandwich. Best damn falafel in LA County.

ETA again: If anyone is interested in these videos I don't want, or the BHC soundtrack, or the New agey CD or Harriet the Spy on DVD and can play North American media formats, let me know. You can have 'em. Maybe we can do a swap. :D

Video titles:
1 video containing several episodes from The Dick Van Dyke Show
several videos, random selection of episodes of Star Trek: TOS
several videos, random selection of episodes from The Twilight Zone
Animal House
Terminator 2
Out of Africa, Meryl Streep and Robert Redford (I know it won the Oscar for Best Picture, but I hated it)
Some mediocre movie - I can't recall the title at the moment but it's got Morgan Freeman in it
The Blair Witch Project (biggest cinematic ripoff of the entire 20th century)
Mary Poppins
The Sound of Music
Chicken Run
A Day at the Races, The Marx Brothers (I was able to sell another MB video but the packaging on this one is too damaged and she said she wouldn't be able to sell it. But the video itself is okay. I swear it.)
The Ten Commandments, featuring Charlton Heston as Moses and director Cecil B. DeMille playing God. Which I believe was his day job anyway. :p
Might be more, can't recall at the moment since the bag of stuff is still in my car trunk.

Some of these still have the shrink wrap on them. They were never played.
I'd gladly send you one, but it would probably take a few days to get there and I don't know how well it would hold up. They supply their products to Whole Foods Market locations country-wide though, so maybe you could find one locally?

Hmmmm. Haven't seen them in our local WF but will have to scour the store my next trip there.... Thanks for the tip GF!!! :cool:
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ETA again: If anyone is interested in these videos I don't want, or the BHC soundtrack, or the New agey CD or Harriet the Spy on DVD and can play North American media formats, let me know. You can have 'em. Maybe we can do a swap. :D


I wonder if there is enough interest in a DVD/CD swap to start a whole thread about it? I've got a bunch that I would love to get rid of also. I'm just not sure how many VVers still watch dvds or listen to cds anymore. I also have a bunch of books that I'd love to pass on to someone else too.
My local grocery store has a BOGO sale on Tofurky, Nasoya, and Veggie Galaxy products. I have coupons for all those brands. So I ended up getting:
2 packages of Tofurky Italian Sausages- 75 cents each with coupons!
2 packages of Nasoya Tofu- 50 cents each
2 packages of Tofurky Bologna slices- 50 cents each
They were out of the vegan Veggie Galaxy cheese so I'll have to check again before the sale ends.

Also found some really ripe bananas that were marked down to 50 cents a bunch. Perfect for for freezing.
My local grocery store has a BOGO sale on Tofurky, Nasoya, and Veggie Galaxy products. I have coupons for all those brands. So I ended up getting:
2 packages of Tofurky Italian Sausages- 75 cents each with coupons!
2 packages of Nasoya Tofu- 50 cents each
2 packages of Tofurky Bologna slices- 50 cents each
They were out of the vegan Veggie Galaxy cheese so I'll have to check again before the sale ends.

Also found some really ripe bananas that were marked down to 50 cents a bunch. Perfect for for freezing.

Are they the same that TJ's sell ? If so I have put them on my shopping list as they are delicious. I often make them in a Mediterrenean style pasta and vegetable bake. :lick:
Get some dry ice to pack and ship it. Do something. Do anything. They really are fabulous. :drool:

I had them last year and they really are fabulous. I take so many things back home (2 23 kg suitcases) that I really
don't think that I could bring them back from the US. :p
If you're ever in town, let me know. They have an awesome brunch on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month.
Will do. That would be fabulous!

Last thing(s) I bought:
Vanilla soy latte from Starbucks
Cat litter
Canned cat food
Rice cakes
Three Clif bars (cool mint chocolate, crunchy peanut butter, blueberry crisp)
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2 potatoes
allergy friendly vegan snack box that includes:
something like a fruit roll up?
chocolate cookie
seeds & fruit (and chocolate chips :D)
sunflower butter