Alrighty. I went to Target today and bought stuff. Nothing fabulously special, but here goes anyway.
2 Synthroid refills at the pharmacy
Lysol disinfectant spray, 2 coupons (1 manu and 1 Target stacked together)
Lysol disinfectant wipes, 1 coupon and on sale
2 packs Hershey bars with almonds, 1 coupon
potato chips
tortilla strips, on sale
pita chips
sourdough pretzel nibblers
2 packages Oreo cookies, 1 coupon
3 bottles drinking water, on sale
1 bag salad mix
1 bag carrots
1 jar Vlasic kosher dill pickles, on sale
sandwich bread
1 Amy's cheddar bowl, on sale, and already eaten
1 pint half and half (for Bear the cat)
3 Chobani Greek yogurt cups, 2 peach and 1 blueberry
1 package Cracker Barrel cheese, sharp white cracker cuts, 1 coupon
3 packages Breathe Rite Nasal strips, 3 coupons
2 Balance protein bars, 1 coupon
1 multipack Balance protein bars, 1 coupon
3 sets of bag clips (different sizes) and one set was on sale
1 box store brand quart size freezer bags
3 rolls Bounty paper towels, 3 coupons
2 packages paper plates
Angel Soft toilet paper, 1 coupon
1 2-pack Cottonelle refills of, um, fresh wipes (don't ask), 1 coupon
4 or 5 boxes of Kleenex, 1 coupon and on sale (I was sure I threw 4 boxes into my shopping cart and onto the belt, but the receipt says 5. So either I counted wrong or the cashier counted wrong. Damnit.)
1 3-box pack of Puffs tissues, 2 coupons (1 manu and one store, stacked together)
1 box cat litter deodorizer
4 packages of Always pads and pantiliners, and I had 3 coupons, or 4. Can't remember and the receipt is confusing.
9 cans of Fancy Feast cat food, 1 store coupon, buy 8 get one free
6 cans of Fancy 'Feast cat food, 1 coupon
1 24-can case of Fancy Feast cat food, 1 coupon
1 20 pound jug of cat litter, 1 coupon, and I got two cans of Fancy Feast cat food free in a special store promotion
1 pair of pretty green PJ bottoms
1 package Fruit of the Loom undies, 1 coupon and on sale
And last but not least, as I was walking into the store, they had a bunch of back to school items at the front, and one of the items was something called Quirky Cable. It's for keeping the cords of one's earbuds neatly kept together instead of all over the place, and it cost $1, so I said what the hell and I grabbed one. Haven't tried it yet.
I managed to pretty much stick to my list, with only 2 or 3 exceptions, and there were 1 or 2 items on the list I couldn't find or decided to skip for now. Even so, the damage was pretty gruesome: $213.41, with sales, coupons, 5% off using my Target card and 5% using my Pharmacy Rewards card.
As a couple of little asides, as I was attempting to pull the bottles of drinking water off the top shelf by knocking them over and pulling them off as they rolled towards me, apparently a woman was standing behind me watching and offering to help. I didn't realize she was talking to me until I got the third one down, and I thanked her and said "It's okay, I got it." She asked me if I wanted more down, and I said no, three are enough. I then thanked her again and said there sometimes ARE times when I have to ask for help (I'm just 5 feet tall), and she said "Well, we must try to help each other" or something like that.
Made my day.
Then a little later as I tossed the PJ bottoms into my cart and started walking away, an employee saw them and pointed to them and said how nice they are. I agreed and she said there were some tops that would look great with them. I thanked her and said I had enough tops, but I needed bottoms because I lost some weight.
I encountered some other employees during my visit today who were VERY helpful and friendly also. I don't know, just one of those days, I guess.
When I had finished transferring my stuff from my shopping cart into my car, I was going to leave the cart in the empty parking space next to my car, then looked around and saw a cart return. Then I saw an employee walking around the parking lot collecting carts, so I decided what the hell and returned my cart to his collection so he wouldn't have to walk all the way over to where I was. Then I turned back to my car and saw a couple more carts a couple spaces away. So he'd have to walk over to where I was anyway. Oh, well, I was trying to be nice because I had a generally positive experience at Target today.