AmySF: Thanks! I'll really try to do my best with them.
ledboots: Thanks! I think I have to thin it really good, so it won't hurt her. Noomi has a fungus that is calleed Malassezia, and it's also found on humans (I had to Google it, and found this Youtube clip from the show "Embarrassing Bodies" about it. I didn't even know that human could get it... And I find it strange that people dare to go on a TV show to talk about it, but not with their doctors.

). And tee tree was excellent against it one of my friends told me (she's very allergic to a lot of things herself, so she has to learn such things). Noomi is a very good dog, and leaves har paw socks on during the night, so it's easy to treat her with such things.
shyvas: I haven't found any other that peanutbutter here in the normal stores. Perhaps some special stores have other, but they are really, really expencive on everything else, so I guess their nut butter is expencive too. On pasta, I've found the normal glutenfree one (I buy it in Sweden, as the price is 2/3 of here in Norway), mung bean noodles and rice noodles. Norway isn't the best on the sortiment on groceries... And the section with gutenfree or vegetarian/vegan things, is limited.