Latest email from Michael Moore....


MadamSarcastra, over & out.
Feb 1, 2016
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Dear fellow MoveOn member,

Hey. It’s Michael Moore. We need to talk.

Now, I know I don’t have to tell you that America is pretty screwed up. (Unless you were really confused when you signed up for MoveOn’s email list.) The lead crisis in Flint. The Senate refusing to do its basic constitutional duty and vote on a Supreme Court nomination. The mass shootings so commonplace that most of them don’t even get news coverage anymore. And Trump. Oh, Trump.

America’s in pretty big trouble right now, and the only way it’s going to get fixed is with regular folks like you and me fighting back.

MoveOn is doing incredible work fighting back on all these issues. And so here’s my ask: If you have any money you can spare, will you make a donation to MoveOn? Every little bit helps. Even a buck or two. And just to sweeten the deal, if you donate $27 or more, I’ll send you a DVD copy of my latest movie, "Where to Invade Next."

How about it? Are you in?

Click here to chip in. If you give $27 or more, you'll get a DVD copy of "Where to Invade Next."

The movie is about progressive ideas that we could adopt right here in America. But it’s also about how change happens—and how what seems impossible can become real, if we just work together to create an alternative.

OK. So we have problems. What are we going to do about it? You know, besides watching my movie.

I know I already said make a donation to MoveOn. And I’m going to get back to that. But I actually have a longer to-do list for you.

First, vote. And make your friends and family vote. I know, it’s basic. But year after year, millions of people don’t bother, and we’re never getting out of this mess until that changes.

Second, find a candidate you believe in and sign up to volunteer. I don’t care who it is. Someone running for city council, mayor, Congress, president, whatever. If you can’t find anyone, then pick an office to run for and run yourself.

But I want you to commit to spending at least as much time working on a campaign this year as you do watching "Game of Thrones." Tweeting and Facebooking about politics doesn’t count. You have to get out in the real world and talk to actual breathing humans.

OK, then last but not least, chip in whatever you can to MoveOn.

And again, if you donate $27 or more, I’ll send you a DVD copy of my latest movie, "Where to Invade Next." (Not that you, as a good, altruistic MoveOn member, would ever be so materialistic as to be motivated by such a crass commercial offer.)

Oh, and one more thing you can do: watch the movie, of course!

Click here to chip in today.

Thanks for all you do.


Michael Moore is an Oscar-winning filmmaker, author, and activist. His ninth film, "Where to Invade Next," is out on DVD today.

Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 2:44 PM

5 Ways to Make Sure Trump Loses


Over the past few days, a number of polls have come out showing Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump nationally by double digits, including in blue collar states like Michigan (10%) and Pennsylvania (11%). If you are a Clinton supporter and have felt a sense of relief when you saw these numbers, your shoulders suddenly relaxing and an audible “phew” coming from your mouth, if you got excited that your belief system was now reassured that there was no chance your fellow Americans will vote for a narcissistic misogynist, then you just became part of the problem — and why Donald J. Trump could actually win on November 8th.

Please do not think for a second this election is over or in the bag. There are three long months to go. If you think that all we have to do is just let Trump keep shooting himself in the head – that “Trump will beat Trump” and the rest of us just have to sit back and watch with glee – well, you are playing with fire. And you’re looking for a way to get out of doing any work. Clearly you’ve forgotten this election is not about whether there are more people “for” Hillary or Trump. Of course there are more people for Hillary! She will lead in the opinion polls from now until Election Day.


Because this is not a popularity contest decided by polls (or in this year’s edition, a contest over who you dislike the least). As I’ve said, if people could vote from their sofa via their Xbox or remote control, Hillary would win in a landslide. But this election is only about who SHOWS UP to the VOTING BOOTH on November 8th (or to early voting or by absentee ballot). The election this year is not being held as usual on the first Tuesday of November; it’s happening in the second week of the month, so if you live in the top half of the country, that means a greater chance for snow or icy rain — and that means a lower turnout. A lower turnout helps Trump.

This election is ONLY about who gets who out to vote, who’s got the most rabid supporters, the kind of candidate who inspires people to get out of bed at 5am on Election Day because a Wall needs to built! Muslims are killing us! Women are taking over! USA! USA! Make My ***** Great Again! Hillary is the Devil! America First! Fetus First! First in Line at the Polls!

So instead of feeling better this week because of the new polls (BTW, only one of these polls is of “likely voters” – the Reuters Poll – and in that one, Hillary leads by only 4 points), or regaling over Trump’s insanity (so insane, he raised $82 million last month in mostly $10-$20 contributions, stunning the Clinton campaign, because Bernie never had a grassroots month anywhere near that), I would like to suggest a different response. I’d like to ask those who love Hillary to hold off on the victory party ’til the wee hours of November 9th. Please, can we all agree that now is NOT the time to do this: Not Over Till It's Over: Runner's Early Celebration Costs Her The Bronze

Let’s stop the early celebrating and the gloating over Trump’s Bad Week. No premature end zone dances. If you are serious about this election, and if you are smart enough to still take Donald Trump seriously, then here’s 5 things to do – four for you, and one for Hillary:

  1. You Are Responsible for Getting 50 People to the Polls November 8th. Start making your list now. Create this list on your smart phone of the people you will personally make sure show up to the polls on November 8th. Enter their email addresses and cell phone numbers. Call it your “November 8th Project.” Add a name to it every single day between now and November 8th until you have 50 people – 50 names in 90 days. Focus on nonvoters. Then, on November 7th and 8th, call, text and/or email every one of them and remind them to vote. Offer them a ride. Offer them lunch. Offer to watch the kids. Offer to mow their lawn. Plan a get-together or a party for everyone after going to vote. You must remind even those people who you think don’t need reminding. This election isn’t about you voting — it’s about you getting 50 others to vote.

  2. From Today Until November 8th, You Are in the French Resistance. Imagine what it was like to be in the French underground while the Germans invaded France. The only possible way to win was an unrelenting, round-the-clock commitment to defeat the Nazis. There was no time for one of those 3-hour French dinners. They did not take vacations. They did not sleep in. They did not have time for “playdates.” The Germans were coming! The Germans were there! Well, friends, our fascist (Drumpf!) is coming! That’s the mind-set you need to be in. For the next three months, the kids have to get themselves to soccer! Work on your marriage in December! There’s no time for hot yoga! No one in the French Resistance ever said “I can’t blow up that Nazi train today ’cause I feel like I might be coming down with a cold!”

  3. You Must Be Supportive of the Depressed Voter. So many people have given up on our system and that’s because the system has given up on them. They know it’s all ********: politics, politicians, elections. The middle class in tatters, the American Dream a nightmare for the 47 million living in poverty. Get this straight: HALF of America is planning NOT to vote November 8th. Hillary’s approval rating is at 36%. CNN said it last night: No one running for office with an approval rating of 36% has ever been elected president (Trump’s is at 30%). Even in these newer polls, 60% still say that Hillary is “untrustworthy to be president.” Disillusioned young people stop me every day to tell me they’re not voting (or they’re voting 3rd Party). This is a problem, folks. Stop ignoring it. You need to listen to them. Chastising them, shaming them, will not work. Acknowledging to them that they have a point, that Hillary Clinton is maybe not the best candidate, and then promising them that you will join them on November 9th in a political revolution that will demand Clinton enact her platform, that might go a long way to getting them to vote. They don’t have to change their opinion about Hillary. They just have to reluctantly vote for her and be allowed to feel very bad about doing it – and very good that we will fight on their side after the election.

  4. Hillary Must Slyly Stick Trump with a Comedy Shiv During the Debates. Bill Maher and I will help Hillary with this (Hill, call us!). I’m sure Amy Schumer and Chris Rock would chip in, too. Clinton actually has a good sense of humor, but keeps it mostly hidden (here she is back in the ’90s, sparring with a Republican leader of Congress:
    ). Trump has very thin skin. If she can slide the perfect line of satirical ridicule just under that thin skin of his, he will implode. On live TV. And that, my friends, will be the moment it’s over for him. A complete mental meltdown on a stage without his cheering man-fans in the room. BOOM!

  5. I Hereby Appoint You Precinct Captain in Your Neighborhood, in Your School, and at Your Place of Work. Yes, you. Tell them Michael Moore personally named you. Not because I have any authority to do so. Just because I said so. And you said so. Please, friends, do not depend entirely on the “Democratic Party” to pull this off in November. It is often, depending on where you live, an apparatus of numskulls, hacks and former high school student council rejects. Quick, name the local chair of the Dems in your county. They are not of the people. If we depend just on them, we lose. We usually do. Obama had a brilliant campaign team, was a beloved candidate, and that’s why he won. Hillary’s campaign lost 22 states to a 74-year old socialist who had neither a comb nor 50 bucks in his pocket — and was unknown to everyone except me and some hippies in Vermont! Hahahaha! Here’s a tweet this week from one of Hillary’s “top advisers”, the chair of the “Campaign for American Progress”, just to give you a clue as to the brain trust surrounding her:
    So we can’t just depend on them alone to stop Trump. That’s why I’ve decided to appoint myself, as of this moment, chair of the “Shadow Campaign to Defeat Donald J. Trump” (or, in short, “The Resistance”) — and I’m appointing each and every one of you as my Precinct Captains in the areas where you live, work and go to college. From this moment forward you will organize the block you live on, or the town or neighborhood you live in, or your dorm, your office, or your place of worship. If asked, just identify yourself as the “Local Head of the Defeat Trump Coalition.” If others want to be the “Head” or say they are the “Head,” just share the title with them. Then appoint more Precinct Captains. Don’t hold meetings. Do actions. Use humor. Conduct flash mobs. Be a disruptor. Think creatively and subversively. Have fun. Defeat Trump.
Because, you see, we have no choice. We’re in the Trump Resistance.

Yours in revolution and future playdates,

Michael Moore

P.S. Still feeling giddy about all the bad news surrounding Trump this week? Here’s another bucket of cold water: Trump can actually lose Florida, Virginia, Colorado and New Mexico — and STILL WIN! All he has to do is carry the rust belt “Brexit States” of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. Hillary lost three of these four in the primaries. Nothing can be taken for granted. Once more: This is all about who shows up November 8th — not who’s ahead in the popularity polls right now. On the morning of the Michigan Primary, Hillary was ahead of Bernie in a WJBK/TV2-Detroit poll by 22 points. Twelve hours later, she lost. Leave your bubble now! You are a Precinct Captain! You have work to do!
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Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 10:59 PM

An Open Letter to Ivanka Trump from Michael Moore:
"Your Dad's Not Well"

Dear Ivanka:

I’m writing to you because your dad is not well.

Every day he continues his spiral downward – and after his call for gun owners to commit acts of violence against Mrs. Clinton, it is clear he needs help, serious help. His comments and behavior have become more and more bizarre and detached from reality. He is in need of an intervention. And I believe only you can conduct it.

He trusts you. He believes in you. Although I don’t know you personally, you seem to be a very smart and together woman. I think he will listen to you. He must because he is now not simply a danger to himself, he has put the next president of the United States in harms way. He has encouraged and given permission to the unhinged and the deranged to essentially assassinate Hillary Clinton. Her life is now in worse danger than it already was – and should anything happen, that will not only be on his head but also on those closest to him if they stand by and do nothing. I say this with the utmost kindness, care and concern for you, and I know you will do the right thing. Bring him in, off the road, away from the crowds. Now. Tonight.

And when you do, here is what a good friend of mine, a former counselor and social worker, Jeff Gibbs, suggests that you say to him:

Dad, we need to have a chat. Are you feeling okay? Do you have a minute? Please sit down. Because this isn’t going to be easy. No, I am not pregnant. No, what is going on is… is… I am really, really worried about my father. About you.

Dad, I owe everything to you. You’ve built an empire, a brand and a business for the ages. You have taken care of me, inspired me and, through your example, have made me who I am: a self-confident, honest-to-a-flaw, woman.

But Dad, I am deeply worried. You haven’t been yourself lately. The father I know is not a hater, not someone who encourages violence. Dad, you used to be A LIBERAL. You raised me as a liberal! The Clintons were your friends — Chelsea is one of my best friends! And now you’re joking that Hillary should be assassinated? Really?

Dad, I hate to say this, but you’re making me scared, you’re making my friends scared, and you’re scaring the whole country.

Dad… Dad, sit down! They’ll wait. I am not finished. Don’t get angry. Try to listen.

Yes, I know they love it, the crowd goes wild. But not for YOU. They don’t love YOU. They love the show that you put on. But people that hunger for red meat will turn on you in a minute. No, they don’t love you. I love you. I will always love you. And I see you hurting yourself — and you’re hurting ME, Dad.

Don’t get upset! You’re still the handsomest billionaire I know. I will always love you. Melania will always love you. Vladimir will always love you… OK, maybe that wasn’t funny. But you get my point. This running for President thing is destroying the dad I have known and loved. And honestly, you and I both know you didn’t really want this job to begin with! You just wanted to make a point. Ok, well, POINT MADE! You did it! Now, let’s stop and get some help.

I am asking you, right now, to give it up. To leave the race. Let that nice man from Indiana run things. Your place in history is secure. You need to withdraw. Move on, for your sake, for the country’s sake, for my sake.

The man who raised me was the man who, for no charge, built a huge ice rink in Central Park for all the people to use! You struck deals with some of the biggest assholes on the planet in finance and politics and yet remained friends, mostly. You built a family that loves you. I want that dad back! And I worry that, if you don’t stop now, neither you nor the country will ever recover.

There, there, Dad, it’s okay, let it out. Let it out because I know beneath that gruff, tough, handsome exterior is a little boy who just never got enough love. And that little boy needs some time to find himself again.

Let’s you and I walk out there now right now. The cameras are all set up and waiting. You can make up whatever excuse you want. You can blame whomever you want. You’re good at that! I just know this can’t go on, and you know it, too.

Take my hand, let’s end this. And by tomorrow you and I will be sipping Martinis on our yacht in the Hamptons with Chelsea and the friends we still have left. I love you, Dad. Let’s do this. That’s right, take my hand, here we go…

Ivanka, I have faith in you that you can do this. I know I’ve called your dad “crazy” before, but I was speaking politically, not clinically. This has gone beyond “crazy”. The entire nation — in fact, the entire world — needs you to step forward and do the courageous thing history will praise you for: the loving act of a brilliant daughter who also loved her beleaguered country enough to say her father wasn’t well and needed help.

Thank you, Ivanka.

Michael Moore
  • Aug 16 at 10:37 AM

---- Trump is Self-Sabotaging His Campaign Because He Never Really Wanted the Job in the First Place ----


Donald Trump never actually wanted to be President of the United States. I know this for a fact. I’m not going to say how I know it. I’m not saying that Trump and I shared the same agent or lawyer or stylist or, if we did, that that would have anything to do with anything. And I’m certainly not saying that I ever overheard anything at those agencies or in the hallways of NBC or anywhere else. But there are certain people reading this right now, they know who they are, and they know that every word in the following paragraphs actually happened.

Trump was unhappy with his deal as host and star of his hit NBC show, “The Apprentice” (and “The Celebrity Apprentice”). Simply put, he wanted more money. He had floated the idea before of possibly running for president in the hopes that the attention from that would make his negotiating position stronger. But he knew, as the self-proclaimed king of the dealmakers, that saying you’re going to do something is bupkus — DOING it is what makes the bastards sit up and pay attention.

Trump had begun talking to other networks about moving his show. This was another way to get leverage — the fear of losing him to someone else — and when he “quietly” met with the head of one of those networks, and word got around, his hand was strengthened. He knew then that it was time to play his Big Card.

He decided to run for President.

Of course he wouldn’t really have to RUN for President — just make the announcement, hold a few mega-rallies that would be packed with tens of thousands of fans, and wait for the first opinion polls to come in showing him — what else! — in first place! And then he would get whatever deal he wanted, worth millions more than what he was currently being paid.

So, on June 16th of last year, he rode down his golden escalator and opened his mouth. With no campaign staff, no 50-state campaign infrastructure — neither of which he needed because, remember, this wasn’t going to be a real campaign — and with no prepared script, he went off the rails at his kick-off press conference, calling Mexicans “rapists” and “drug dealers” and pledging to build a wall to keep them all out. Jaws in the room were agape. His comments were so offensive, NBC, far from offering him a bigger paycheck, immediately fired him with this terse statement: “Due to the recent derogatory statements by Donald Trump regarding immigrants, NBCUniversal is ending its business relationship with Mr. Trump.” NBC said it was also canceling the beauty pageants owned by Trump: Miss USA and Miss Universe. BOOM.

Trump was stunned. So much for the art of the deal. He never expected this, but he stuck to his plan anyway to increase his “value” in the eyes of the other networks by showing them how many millions of Americans wanted Him to be their Leader. He knew, of course (and the people he trusted also told him) that there was no way he was actually going to win many (if any) of the primaries, and he certainly would not become the Republican nominee, and NEVER would he EVER be the President of the United States. Of course not! Nor would he want to be! The job of being President is WORK and BORING and you have to live in the GHETTO of Washington, DC, in a SMALL 200-yr. old house that’s damp and dreary and has only TWO floors! A “second floor” is not a penthouse! But none of this was a worry, as “Trump for President” was only a ruse that was going to last a few months.

And then something happened. And to be honest, if it happened to you, you might have reacted the same way. Trump, to his own surprise, ignited the country, especially among people who were the opposite of billionaires. He went straight to #1 in the polls of Republican voters. Up to 30,000 boisterous supporters started showing up to his rallies. TV ate it up. He became the first American celebrity to be able to book himself on any show he wanted to be on — and then NOT show up to the studio! From “Face the Nation” to “The Today Show” to Anderson Cooper, he was able to simply phone in and they’d put him on the air live. He could’ve been sitting on his golden toilet in Trump Tower for all we knew –and the media had no problem with any of that. In fact, CBS head Les Moonves famously admitted that Trump was very good for TV ratings and selling ads — music to the ears the NBC-spurned narcissist.

Trump fell in love with himself all over again, and he soon forgot his mission to get a good deal for a TV show. A TV show? Are you kldding – that’s for losers like Chris Harrison, whoever that is (host of “The Bachelorette”). He was no longer king of the dealmakers — he was King of the World! His tiniest musings would be discussed and dissected everywhere by everybody for days, weeks, months! THAT never happened on “The Apprentice”! Host a TV show? He was the star of EVERY TV SHOW — and, soon, winning nearly every primary!

And then… you can see the moment it finally dawned on him… that “Oh ****!” revelation: “I’m actually going to be the Republican nominee — and my rich beautiful life is f#*@ing over!” It was the night he won the New Jersey primary. The headline on was, “Donald Trump’s Subdued Victory Speech After Winning New Jersey.” Instead of it being one of his loud, brash speeches, it was downright depressing. No energy, no happiness, just the realization that now he was going to have to go through with this stunt that he started. It was no longer going to be performance art. He was going to have to go to work.

Soon, though, his karma caught up with him. Calling Mexicans “rapists” should have disqualified him on Day One (or for saying Obama wasn’t born here, as he did in 2011). No, it took 13 months of racist, sexist, stupid comments before he finally undid himself with the trifecta of attacking the family of a slain soldier, ridiculing the Purple Heart and suggesting that the pro-gun crowd assassinate Hillary Clinton. By this past weekend, the look on his face said it all — “I hate this! I want my show back!” But it was too late. He was damaged goods, his brand beyond repair, a worldwide laughing stock — and worse, a soon-to-be loser.

But, let me throw out another theory, one that assumes that Trump isn’t as dumb or crazy as he looks. Maybe the meltdown of the past three weeks was no accident. Maybe it’s all part of his new strategy to get the hell out of a race he never intended to see through to its end anyway. Because, unless he is just “crazy,” the only explanation for the unusual ramping up, day after day, of one disgustingly reckless statement after another is that he’s doing it consciously (or subconsciously) so that he’ll have to bow out or blame “others” for forcing him out. Many now are sensing the end game here because they know Trump seriously doesn’t want to do the actual job — and, most importantly, he cannot and WILL NOT suffer through being officially and legally declared a loser — LOSER! — on the night of November 8th.

Trust me, I’ve met the guy. Spent an afternoon with him. He would rather invite the Clintons AND the Obamas to his next wedding than have that scarlet letter (“L”) branded on his forehead seconds after the last polls have closed on that night, the evening of the final episode of the permanently cancelled Donald Trump ****-Show.

Don, if you’re reading this, do it soon. Give your pathetic party a chance to pick up the pieces and nominate Ryan or Romney so they can be the ones to lose the White House, the Senate, the House and yes, praise Jesus and the Notorious RBG, the Supreme Court. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You’re only the logical conclusion to a party that has lived off the currency of racism and bigotry and fellating the 1% for decades, and now their Trump has come home to roost.
I wonder if there are any Michael Moore-haters out there who are reevaluating their hatred towards him because he turned out to be right about Trump winning. He does seem to understand a lot about how Americans think.

Well, almost. I've read pretty much all his books, and in one of them he bashed the vegetarian diet as "frivolous" and unnecessary, or some similar ****. Maybe that explains why he's always overweight. But he's obviously a meat-and-potatoes-raised midwesterner who apparently had a bad experience when he moved to liberal and weird San Francisco to take a job as editor of a magazine, and he treated the place like it was a foreign country. Which is weird when you realize that he's since traveled to actual foreign countries and hasn't had any problems with the cultures of those countries. And, since becoming famous because of Roger and Me, he has lived and worked in NEW YORK CITY.

That vegetarian thing is one of the few things about MM that bugs me.
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I wonder if there are any Michael Moore-haters out there who are reevaluating their hatred towards him because he turned out to be right about Trump winning. He does seem to understand a lot about how Americans think.

Well, almost. I've read pretty much all his books, and in one of them he bashed the vegetarian diet as "frivolous" and unnecessary, or some similar ****. Maybe that explains why he's always overweight. But he's obviously a meat-and-potatoes-raised midwesterner who apparently had a bad experience when he moved to liberal and weird San Francisco to take a job as editor of a magazine, and he treated the place like it was a foreign country. Which is weird when you realize that he's since traveled to actual foreign countries and hasn't had any problems with the cultures of those countries. And, since becoming famous because of Roger and Me, he has lived and worked in NEW YORK CITY.

That vegetarian thing is one of the few things about MM that bugs me.
Well, my dearest friend in the universe is omni & I don't think any less of him because of it.... I'M the one who changed. **shrug** Can't win 'em all, I guess. LOL
I have some good news to share with you...

This past week, at a press conference at Sardi's in New York's Times Square, the Shubert Organization announced my Broadway debut -- the upcoming world premiere of the one-man show I've written and will perform -- THE TERMS OF MY SURRENDER. It will run ‪for 12 weeks only, beginning July 28‬th at the ‪Belasco Theatre‬ -- just blocks away from Trump Tower.

Needless to say, I'm excited about this! A few weeks ago I mentioned on Facebook that I've been on a creative tear since Trump's appointment by the Electoral College. I proposed then that we fight Trump on four fronts: 1) Mass citizen action; 2) Run candidates who can win; 3) Tie him up with court orders and injunctions; and, my personal favorite -- 4) Form an Army of Satirists with the belief that we can bring him down with humor, comedy and ridicule -- simply because his awfully thin skin just can't take it.

I committed to doing everything I could, in every venue open to me -- film, television, books -- but I also decided it was time for me to try something new, something different. Change it up because the old ways no longer work.

But a million women (and men) in the streets - that works. Descending en masse on airports when the Muslim ban was announced - that works. Flooding congressional phone lines and town halls - that works. Bold, brash, out of the blue ideas are exactly what we need.

So here's my contribution: I've written a one-man play, a piece of original theater that I will perform on Broadway this summer to people visiting from Iowa to Oregon to Virginia (and for those who call New York home). It's not "Cats" or "Mamma Mia!" but it is live, it's on a stage and I'll be saying and doing things each night that I've been wanting to say uncensored for some time. And I'll be doing it in the city that is the seat of corporate power, the headquarters of Wall Street, the epicenter of our media and that wonderful home of free expression we call the American theater. This show will be subversive and funny and it'll be unlike anything I've ever done. I think you're really going to like it!

My director is the great Michael Mayer. He won the Tony Award for "Spring Awakening" and has directed so many great plays on Broadway: "‪Hedwig and the Angry Inch‬", Green Day's "American Idiot", two Arthur Miller revivals, "Funny Girl" in London and the ‪Metropolitan Opera's current production of Verdi's "‪Rigoletto‬". He's an amazing artist and director.

The rest of my production team includes set design by Tony winner David Rockwell ("Falsettos", "Kinky Boots"), lighting design by four-time Tony winner Kevin Adams ("Hedwig"), and sound design by two-time Tony winner Brian Ronan ("Book of Mormon", "Beautiful: The ‪Carole King‬ Musical"). My producer is the legendary Tony winner Carole Shorenstein Hays, the woman who produced all of August Wilson's plays, plus "Doubt", "Proof", a couple of amazing Tony Kushner plays, among many others.

I hope you can come! It would mean a lot to me. You can get tickets right now, here at Telecharge for as low as $29.

I've personally wanted to do something in the theater for a long time. And I'll tell you, this feels the way I felt when I made my first film, "Roger & Me" -- trying something new and original and a fresh jolt to the American consciousness. That's what I think - hope - this one-man show is going to do. Wish me well! Come see it!

And thanks for all your support over the years!

Michael Moore
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Given the circumstances I'm in, I doubt I'll be able to travel by then. So I hope he records one of his performances and releases it on DVD or for streaming.
Given the circumstances I'm in, I doubt I'll be able to travel by then. So I hope he records one of his performances and releases it on DVD or for streaming.
I'm sure it will be recorded. You just get better.

Doesn't help that I started watching "Sicko" again... cripes, I hope you don't get soaked, seriously... this country's healthcare is a sadistic joke... that film is so relevant again, and now, more than ever.... I don't wanna get upset all over again. You just be strong, stay feisty, get well, heal fast. :hug:
by Michael Moore
It is time to remove this dangerous man from office.‬

I have just signed the "Need To Impeach" petition initiated by Tom Steyer of California. Over two million other Americans have also signed it. And that number keeps growing every hour. We -- all of us -- must not wait a minute longer to act.‬

Trump has sent a fleet of our ships into the waters off North Korea in order to provoke the unhinged leader of that country to make the mistake of attacking us. This, plus Trump's reckless taunts at Kim Jong-un, is being done for one reason: to start some sort of conflict so that America will rally behind him and forget about the impending criminal indictments he, his family and his cohorts now face. He has put us all in danger, and he may get a lot of people killed.‬

‪The Founders of this country were worried that, from time to time, we would have a President who would behave in such a manner that would put our nation in jeopardy, or a President who would try to profit off being in office, or a Commander-in-Chief who might not be right in the head (King George III gave them a good example of that). They feared we could end up with a President who might be a traitor to our country. They even knew that we might get stuck with someone who committed not just "high crimes" but also "misdemeanors." They wanted to make it easy for us to fix a mistake we've made.

‪My friends, we have the most colossal mistake in our history sitting right now in the Oval Office. And there is only one way to rectify it: TRUMP MUST BE IMPEACHED. We can NOT wait until November of 2020 for that to happen. We simply won't make it til then. The country we know as the United States of America will not be the same after three more years of Trump. You know it and I know it. Turning the TV off and trying to avoid the daily insanity won't make him go away.‬

‪Donald J. Trump has proven himself to be completely unfit for office, a threat to our country and an imminent danger to this world.‬

‪He is also not well. He is a malignant narcissist and an active sociopath. Because he holds the codes to, on his own, launch nuclear weapons, he is a singular threat to humanity.‬

‪He has no fidelity to this country, to the constitution or to his oath of office.‬

‪He tried to coerce the director of the FBI into ending the investigation of him -- and when the director wouldn't, Trump fired him. It's only a matter of time before he fires the Special Prosecutor.‬

‪He has lied about his finances, his campaign’s dealings with Russia and just about everything else that has come out of his mouth. It is stunning to see how many untruths he speaks in a single day (this site keeps track of all of them on a daily basis).‬

‪But here's something even more stunning than Trump's high crimes and misdemeanors:‬

‪NOT ONE Democrat in the U.S. Senate has stood on that floor and called for his impeachment! Not one! Rep. Maxine Waters and other members in the House have not been afraid to do so. This morning, Rep. Steve Cohen was joined by Rep. Luis Gutierrez, Rep. Al Green, Rep. Marcia Fudge, Rep. John Yarmuth, and Rep. Adriano Espaillat in introducing five Articles of Impeachment against Trump. But no Democrat in the Senate has yet to say this man must be impeached!‬

‪This petition I'm asking you to sign isn't just a challenge to the Republicans to clean house, it is a demand to the Democratic elected officials you and I voted for to DO THEIR JOB. Many of these Democrats have even said they are opposed to impeachment. They need to hear from us! Now! If recent history has proven anything, it's that Democrats only act when we tell them to.‬

‪When you were opposed to George W. Bush getting ready to start a massive war in Iraq (when Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11), the majority of Democratic Senators voted to send us to war.‬ Most didn't change their votes until the citizenry went to the polls in the Democratic primaries in 2008 and rejected the Democratic candidate for President who had voted FOR the war. These Democratic candidates became anti-war because of YOU.

‪For decades, when you believed our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters should be able to get married, the establishment Democrats (including the Clintons and Obamas) said NO and used their religion as an excuse to say that marriage can only be between a man and a woman. Only when the polls showed that a majority of Americans backed this basic civil right did Democratic leaders begin to "evolve."‬

‪Although the majority of Americans have favored a single-payer universal health care system for some time -- Medicare for All -- it took until last month for 16 Democratic Senators to finally back such a bill.‬

‪The cautious and often-frightened Democratic leaders will usually, eventually, finally come around and do the right thing. And they do so because they are good at (sooner or later) listening to the will of the people.‬

‪That's why they need to hear from you and me right now. Give them the backbone and support they're looking for. Sign the Need to Impeach petition and let them see that the majority of us can't wait any longer to remove this dangerous man from office.‬

Here's the link once again. Share it and this letter with your friends and everyone you know who loves this country. Let's not wait until he gets us in a war to sign this petition. Let's not wait until he turns another million acres of federal land over to the oil companies. Let's not wait until he and Betsy DeVos dismantle what's left of our once-admired-around-the-world public schools. Every day at his EPA, at his ICE headquarters, at his FDA and elsewhere, his cronies are literally taking apart our American way of life, piece by piece -- and it will take years to rebuild after all the damage they are doing.‬

‪Can you really take one more day of this?‬

‪Please, I appeal to you, join with me and millions of your fellow Americans and sign this impeachment petition now:‬

‪I did. You must.‬

‪Thank you for helping to save this country and this planet.‬

‪Michael Moore‬

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Jun 2 at 12:03 PM

Trump-Roseanne 2020...a letter from Michael Moore

I have known Roseanne Barr for over 25 years. I've known her as Roseanne Barr, Roseanne Arnold, just "Roseanne", then back to Roseanne Barr. I've spent time in her home, criss-crossed the country with her to help remove George W. Bush from the White House, appeared on her shows, been there for her when she needed something, and connected her with one of my producers who did an insightful, one-of-a-kind documentary into the genius and the tragedy that is Roseanne Barr.

On Tuesday Roseanne posted hateful, slanderous tweets directed at four people: George Soros, Valerie Jarrett, Chelsea Clinton and me. A few hours later, she was fired by ABC.

For the past few years, Roseanne has been posting the craziest stuff on Twitter, like claiming Hillary was part of a child sex abuse ring being run out of a DC pizza place. She's claimed that the Clintons have murdered people. And anyone who criticizes Benjamin Netanyahu is a "nazi."

Roseanne seems to be suffering from some sort of madness. It's more than just saying she's a racist. She operates in the same sewer of lies, conspiracy theories and bigotry that's been rising in America for years and that has now succeeded in electing our current president. Totally nuts.

Here's who's not crazy: Donald J. Trump.

Trump, though he shows all the signs of being absolutely bonkers, is not insane. He's the real deal. His racism and hate is real, it's well thought-out, he's the true master of manipulation, a brilliant performance artist, and an evil genius. He outsmarted a nation of liberals and Democrats and won the White House by losing the actual vote of the people. He neutered and then destroyed the Grand Old Republican Party. He knows exactly what he is doing.

Roseanne, on the other hand, is a person who long ago broke through and brought an authentic voice of working women and men to television via one of the greatest TV series of all time. It was groundbreaking because the TV industry had historically either ignored, ridiculed or patronized those of us who grew up in the working class. Roseanne changed that.

But she is also a damaged soul. Most people don't know that she has suffered her entire life from a massive head injury she received during a serious car accident when she was a child. Her brain injuries were immense and she spent months in the hospital struggling to recover.

I also have no idea what it was like to grow up, as she did, as a Jewish girl in Salt Lake City. Not a tolerant state, to be sure. She told me how her parents, who owned an apartment building, were asked by the U.S. government after World War II if they would be willing to house Holocaust survivors who had come to the U.S. as refugees. Her parents took dozens in, and Roseanne's childhood was spent with these survivors as her "family." "The stories they told me," she said, "were filled with unimaginable horror. I've always wondered what effect that had on me as a little girl."

Now, sadly, for the past few years, Roseanne has been in a downward spiral, ranting like crazy on Twitter, spreading conspiracy theories, attacking the people she used to love, supporting Trump, and being just an outright hateful and racist person. It has been a difficult decline to witness. She has repeatedly attacked me, and on Tuesday, after calling George Soros a "Nazi" (he's a Jew and a Holocaust survivor), Valerie Jarrett an offspring "of the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes," and saying that Chelsea was "married to" a Nazi relative of George Soros, she then retweeted a disgusting new word for me because I have spoken out against the Netanyahu government and its killing of Palestinians -- "#JewHater". Nonstop insanity and sickness.

I guess there might be 20 million Americans (out of 320 million) who probably agree with her. She has thrown down with the lowest of the low, and who knows if she’ll ever recover from this descent into her own personal hell.

To close, I want to say just how great the new Roseanne show was. It was funny but brutal to watch because it showed how our system of greed has hurt millions of families like the Connors of Illinois. On the final episode last week, Roseanne was addicted to opioids because she couldn't afford the knee surgery she needed, so she suffered along in agonizing pain. Dan, her husband, in order to raise money for her surgery, decided to take a non-union job -- and Roseanne berates him for doing so and letting his union brothers and sisters down. There are a couple quick knocks on Trump, making it clear that the real Roseanne was not writing or running this show. For the past 9 weeks, the new Roseanne show has shined a powerful and necessary light on what it means to be working class in 2018. Her blended family on this new series was white and black and LGBTQ, and her generous neighbors next door were Muslims who forced her to confront her own bigotry.

If only her art could have helped her in her real life.

(Also, let me say this: There's no reason the show has to go just because she's gone. Over the years, TV has found ways to bring Bobby Ewing back from the dead on “Dallas”, forced us to accept the two Darrins on “Bewitched”, and found ways for hit shows to survive when their stars bolted after a year or two [David Caruso on "NYPD Blue", Pernell Roberts on "Bonanza"]. The smart people who were writing this Roseanne series can surely find a way to let the non-bigoted portion of the America's working class [which I can tell you is the VAST majority] have their voice heard on network television. Why should it be silenced by one lost soul?)
FAHRENHEIT 11/9 World Premiere & Official Trailer!
[ALERT: My appearance on the Late Show w/ Stephen Colbert from June is re-running tonight on CBS 11:35pm ET/PT! Also on the show: soon-to-be Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jon Stewart! Don’t miss it!]


Amazing news! The World Premiere of our film, “Fahrenheit 11/9”, will be Opening Night at the Toronto International Film Festival! This is the 2nd time we've been picked for opening night at North America's biggest and most prestigious festival! This is an incredible honor.

After it's world premiere in Toronto, it will open in theaters everywhere on September 21st, 6 and 1/2 weeks before the midterm elections.

And the official trailer is out! Watch it here:

I'll be sharing ideas and updates as we approach the world premiere, but for now, here is a Q&A I did with HuffPost yesterday about the film (Click here for the full article).

Thanks for all of your support throughout this process. See you at the movies!

Michael Moore

HuffPost Q&A

In starting “Fahrenheit 11/9,” what was your intention? Did it change at all during the course of production?

Donald Trump is an evil genius. He has no intention of leaving the White House. Whenever he hears that another country has a president for life, he perks up and thinks, “I like the sound of that!” And he has an obedient political party that holds every seat of power backing him up.

American journalism schools have not trained students how to cover an authoritarian leader. Our media has no idea what it is up against. They're getting steamrolled by a tyrant because Trump understands media and understands the country he lives in more than those that cover him do. This puts us all in grave danger. If nothing else, I hope this film exposes that grave danger and shows people the way out.

Has your approach to chronicling American politics shifted over the years? At what point does a documentary like this risk preaching to the choir?

The majority of Americans agree with me on the issues. I'm part of the majority. Our choir is much bigger than Trump's choir or Fox News' choir.

Unfortunately, our choir is out of tune, and it's hard to hear our voices through all the sobbing and despair. That all ends on Sept. 21. The choir needs a song to sing. Once we come together in beautiful harmony, the Trump crime family will be prosecuted, law and order will be restored, we'll have Medicare for All and we'll declare that “Game of Thrones” must remain on the air for at least three more seasons.

On opening weekend, “Fahrenheit 9/11” was the number one movie in every red state in the country. It was a hit in military towns and on military bases. My choir is the American people. The old guard of the Democratic Party has failed to speak to them. I will at least give them a song they can belt out.

Given the title's connection to “Fahrenheit 9/11,” what's your assessment of American politics today compared to when you made that film?

When we started making “Fahrenheit 9/11,” George W. Bush had a 70 percent approval rating, 29 Democratic senators had voted for the Iraq war, and The New York Times and the liberal establishment were all aiding and abetting Bush and his war. Every TV network was waving the American flag, and those of us who dissented were in a lonely minority and called unpatriotic. Outlets like HuffPost didn't exist and MSNBC was trying to out-Fox Fox News. It was a dark, dark time, and America and the world has paid a very steep price for it.

Now we live in even darker times. So that hasn't changed!

However, we now live in a very liberal country. Most Americans may not label themselves as liberal, but if you look at almost every major issue, the majority of Americans support the liberal position. They want Medicare for All. They believe in women's equality and equal pay. They believe immigration is good for America. They believe in LGBQT rights and marriage equality. They want gun control. They want to break up the big banks. They want universal pre-K and free public college for all. They want to tax the rich and corporations. And on and on and on. It's amazing how liberal the American people are when you look at it issue by issue.

What is the most startling revelation you found in meeting folks for this project?

The revolution is happening in the most unlikely of places. The resistance ― the true resistance ― is not coming from the Democratic Party or from the liberal establishment. I can't reveal too much right now, but there is a real insurgency taking place. I don't know if it will succeed or not. It might be too late.

Conversely, did you discover anything that offered a glimmer of hope?

**** hope. Seriously, **** hope. **** despair, too. But **** hope.

Hope is passive. Hope gives you permission to let someone else do the work. Hope leads people to believe that tax returns, or a pee tape, or the FBI or an adult film star will save the country. Hope, and the passivity that comes with it, is what helped get us here to begin with. It's the lazy way out.

We don't need hope. We need action.
FAHRENHEIT 11/9...a note from Michael Moore
In my lifetime, I've had maybe only a dozen days like the one I've woken up to this morning.

It's the day that a new film of mine will have its World Premiere, and that is what will happen tonight for FAHRENHEIT 11/9 at the Opening Night kick-off of the Toronto International Film Festival, North America's premiere film event. I am just hours away from that moment when the lights will dim, the curtain will rise and my work, with all its revelations and warnings and dangerous ideas -- well, dangerous politically to a President who has no intention of ever leaving office unless the Secret Service physically drags him out of there -- will be shared with the world. This siren call of a movie is my contribution to ignite the fire underneath a despairing, dispirited public who must -- MUST -- do its job and end the madness at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

I have spent the better part of this year constructing a film that will not only explain how the @#&% we ended up with Trump, but also help show us the way out. I must warn you -- I do not pull ANY punches in the film. No one is spared - not even me.

It is already being talked about as one of the most anticipated films of the fall, and just yesterday, this wonderful piece was published in The Hollywood Reporter!

This film is THE moment of truth we've all needed for sometime, and I truly believe its release nationwide on Sept. 21st will be the real beginning of the end for Donald J. Trump (and perhaps, more importantly, the eventual end of the rotten, corrupt system that gave us Trump in the first place).

I also believe we have, as we approach November 6th, a massive tsunami of women, young people and people of color (i.e., TWO-THIRDS of the American public) who maybe -- just maybe -- will drown the whole stinkin' lot of them in a record number of ballots for a midterm election.

But this will not happen on its own -- and any early celebrations of victory like those that happened in 2016, are sure to keep the Republicans in power for years to come.

Donald J. Trump did not just fall from the sky. His rise to the presidency was not an aberration and should not have come as a shock. It was the logical end result of a long, downward spiral in America that culminated in one of our most loathsome citizens conquering our most powerful office. One of our most deceptive minds, commanding the bully pulpit. One of our most fraudulent hucksters, armed with the powers of the presidency to protect him.

Ever since that fateful morning at 2:29 AM on 11/9/16 when the Associated Press officially called the election for our nation’s new leader, we have been trying to save what's left of our democracy. This is not a film telling you what a jerk Donald Trump is or what an buffoon Donald Trump is or what a liar Donald Trump is. You already know all that. Everybody already knows all that (except for your conservative brother-in-law whose mind you’ll never be able to change). I wouldn’t waste your time or my time making that kind of film. And with all due respect to your conservative brother-in-law, we don’t need him. We’re the majority in this country, he’s the minority, he knows it and that’s why he’s so mad!

Instead, my team and I have been on a mission to tell a much, much more important story. It’s a story about hope... and what comes after it. It’s a story about deception and betrayal. It’s a story about what happens to people when they’ve hit rock bottom. It’s the story about who we are as a people and what it means to be an American in the era of Donald J. Trump. Finally, it’s a story about where we might be heading as a society.

My crew and I have moved heaven and earth to make sure we deliver this film to you in time to have an impact on this year's midterm elections. I’m excited to announce to you that “Fahrenheit 11/9” will open in more movie theaters than any of my previous films -- over 1,500 theaters across America!

(It will also be opening in dozens of countries around the world.)

We open nationwide on September 21st, 45 days before the most important election in American history (and with voter registration still open nationwide!).

I’m writing you today because I need your help. I’ve made a film that was meant to be seen on a big screen, in a dark theater, filled with a hundred strangers. My hope is that you will experience the magic of cinema the way it was meant to be experienced, in a movie theater. It's the best way to truly feel the big story I'm telling you.

Any bit of anger, despair, or frustration you’ve felt over the past few years must be channeled into action this fall!

I am on my way to Toronto. I don't have to make a run for the border a la "The Handmaid's Tale" -- yet. For tonight, I'll just be showing a movie. Then on Monday night in Flint, I will hold the US premiere of FAHRENHEIT 11/9. After that, everyone will have the chance to see it.

We are the majority -- never forget that. But we need to rise up. That’s the only way out of this mess.

All my best,
Michael Moore

P. S. I'll bring you into the world premiere tonight via Facebook Live just before 11pm ET.
Having finally watched "Fahrenheit 11/9", I can only say that it is sobering.
A lot of what was in the movie seems to be the truth.