List of moderators?

Yes sir, as far as I know. The red ones are super-mods whereas the rest are ninja mods who oversee a particular sub-forum.

It's looking like the ninja mods will be keeping their forums active and interesting and the red mods will be keeping the peace and taking the abuse :D
I do want to compliment Karl on his moderator strategy.

I personally would love to see a specific moderator for each major sub-forum on the board, which not only frees up our benevolent overlords to handle overall compliance and administrative duties... but the sub-forum moderators could help the forum grow by keeping their specific areas of interest active and engaging. For instance I could easily see Amy in charge of an entertainment sub-forum or Disney Jessica moderating a gay and lesbian sub-forum.

I don't think this would be overkill as I see this forum growing by leaps and bounds in the future... with an appropriate management strategy.

For what it's worth.

As I'm sure you have noticed, and I believe I've mentioned elsewhere, there is now a link in the top menu that will display a list of moderators. (FortyTwo, let me know if you want to be on there as well. (Perhaps as a steward...arcade steward?))
As I'm sure you have noticed, and I believe I've mentioned elsewhere, there is now a link in the top menu that will display a list of moderators. (FortyTwo, let me know if you want to be on there as well. (Perhaps as a steward...arcade steward?))

Nah, that's fine. I'm not really staff that much aside from uploading a few games every once in a while. :P
No, orange usernames are forum moderators, which means they are moderators for specific forums, whereas red usernames have mod powers for the entire board.

There was a list of what orange mod modded you know where? Perhaps there should be a pinned thread?