I think there are a couple of members here, including myself, who either currently or in the past have lived in countries other than the one in which they were born, grew up or have citizenship. So I thought it might be interesting to 'compare notes' and share experiences.
Some questions to get the discussion going - answer as many as you like
- How did you end up living in another country?
- Is the language an issue?
- How do you cope with living far away from your parents and other family? Do you often go back on vacation?
- Do you ever intentionally meet up with fellow countrymen while in your new country? Do you still keep up with the news and TV series etc. from your home country?
- What aspect of your home country do you miss the most?
- Do you miss living in your home country? Do you plan/hope to ever move back?
- Do you plan on getting citizenship in the country where you live?