What were the substitutes you ate instead? Oats?
You two sound like you have done very well. Impressive that your wife could reverse her diabetes.
I can't remember if I said this on this thread but the woman on the other forum said her doctor said she is back to a pre-diabetic level now, but she is following a paleo diet. She avoids refined carbs too.
The trouble with getting old is....can't remember much of anything. It's been too long ago.
Actually, I did ask my wife and she really can't remember for certain either what we had for breakfast on regular basis. I believe that I still wasn't eating breakfast before her diagnosis because I was still working--but I really can't remember. It would have been toast with butter & jelly at least or something with creme cheese. We can't get bagels here, but I made a really fine loaf substitute for an everything bagel. I would also make baguettes on a regular basis. If my wife was still frequently baking as well, her kolaches which are the absolute best anyone who's ever tried them says, we've never tried to veganize yet, but I remain hopeul

. Weekends though eggs, bacon or sausage, possibly potatoes. Also in the mix pancakes or french toast or some other pastry she'd make.
My wife's regular breakfast would be cereal--something like grape nuts in the winter sometimes rolled oats. She would have it with yogurt usually and some fruit like a banana or peach. After her diagnosis we went to the store and looked for no added sugar cereals and the only that seemed to fit the bill was Bob's Red Mill Muesli. She would have this with yogurt ( home made plain) or almond milk. We had tried soy milk when it first came out and found it was awful. Later when we tried it again and could find plain unsweetened that made a difference. She would have this with 1/2 an apple or some other fruit. I can find out what she was eating exactly and amounts as she kept a food diary and continues to do so now. Now it's more what she eats not to track carbs.
To give you an example why I thought it was a lot to do with calorie restriction was a serving of the muesli was a 1/4 cup to bring it in under her carb requirement.
Later we got rolled oats and ate them like a cold cereal because it was much less expensive and just as good if one added their own fruit. We did give up bread and some changes we made were substituting whole wheat pasta and limiting amounts. We did eat homemade pizza, but now the crust was rolled out to extremely thin like a tortilla and we found that by using 50% whole wheat and white her blood sugar didn't spike. We just ate a lot more produce proportionately at every meal. Usually it was fresh produce because it tasted better.
Lunches from what I can remember could be something like a whole wheat tortilla with cheese and peppers. Desert would be a portion of fruit , even dates and a few almonds, again with an eye on carb content. We didn't count calories, or even "net carbs".
We did give up bread, most baked goods, white rice and anything with added sugar. We would eat whole baked potato, or sweet potato including the skin. We weren't shy about trying whole grain varieties when we could, like oat groats, different wheats ( cooked as grain) and even plain popcorn no fat, no salt, cooked in the microwave. As time went by our weight dropped-- it wasn't too hard either. I kept buying my clothes at the thrift store because I never knew what size I was or would wind up and was fully expecting my weight loss to stop at any moment.
Sorry I can' t remember more details right now.
Now we do eat whole grain bread, because I mill my own flour and don't sift. I will also cook grains because I like them. Now we're mostly completely oil free, extremely low salt, but we indulge in miso (life without it is meaningless

) and we eat more isn general I eat a LOT more.
I'll try to take a look at her old food journal and see if there's anything that I can add.