TV & Film Movie Lounge

watched Along for the Ride last night - my honey fell asleep and I persisted, a Young Adult movie with Andie McDowell and Dermot Mulroney - it was okay, nothing spectacular

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
it's not really horror, I don't think - you're not surprised when bad things happen to bad people or to good people so it's more Gorer than Horror

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
I can't easily predict what kind of movies really upset me. I was assured that Blair Witch Project wouldn't be too scary. And I am interested in the hand held camera film genre. it gave me nightmares.
but I watched Cloverdale and laughed out loud at times.
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Here in the US, Netflix has a new movie called Mincemeat.
I first learned about operation mIncemeat from a Stuff You Should Know Podcast.
I haven't seen the movie yet but I'm looking forward to watching it.
I thought the podcast was fascinating.

Operation Mincemeat really happened in WW II. It sounds like it should be a spy novel. and no wonder. Ian Fleming, creator of James Bond was the author of the operation.

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Yesterday I picked up some movies from the library and one of them was The Water Man - with Rosario Dawson, Maria Bello and it was very different and good - Oprah was the executive producer.

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
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So I finished Operation Mincemeat last night. I was disappointed but I don't think it was bad. Just not as good as I had hoped.
First off the movie really tried hard to inject some suspense in the movie. I feel that was futile but may I'm being too harsh.
Second. are there any British movies that don't star Colin Firth?
Third. they threw in some romantic elements. I felt that the romance was just distracting. although I really liked the female lead.
The actor who played Ian Fleming and the character had very small parts. I was under the impression that Mr. Fleming was more instrumental in the plot. but maybe that is more myth than fact.
As far as I can tell the movie kept pretty close to the real historical story.
And it might have been me reading more into it but it seemed like the movie sort of had several nods to the James Bond universe. Like maybe this is where Ian Fleming got some of his inspiration.
The Hunt with Betty Gilpin & Hilary Swank - there is a LOT of blood and guts (almost all human) and yet we laughed a lot... it is sly satire, horror, thriller - we definitely enjoyed it
So based on your recommendation I'm watching this movie. yeah its sort of funny. kind of a parody.

I forgot what channel I was watching it on and when I went back on the TV fo find it I found another movie called the Hunt. The movie we are talking about came out in 2020.
But another one with the same name came out in 2021. and I think it is a real horror movie.
Buyer beware.

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we watched 55 Steps last night - another Hilary Swank movie based on a true story of a 1983 schizophrenia patient and a landmark patient rights case - Helena Bonham Carter played the patient and she was excellent - it was a good and thoughtful movie

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
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I prefers movies with a twist but ones I don't figure out until it's revealed. Frailty starring Matthew McConaughey fits that and also No Good Deed starring Idris Elba.
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watched another movie from the library last night and wow, was it different - The Card Counter with Oscar Isaac, Tye Sheridan, Tiffany Haddish and Willem Dafoe - it was hard to take a times and I believe those "hard to take times" were the purpose of the movie and the rest may have been a story wrapped around it to make those hard things more public - a very interesting premise and it helps that we both love poker although we don't play (I used to play some online and have played once or twice in a mini charity tournament)

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
watched a hokey predictable Netflix drama/romance Perfectly Paired - it was entertaining in that it didn't take any brain power to watch, you could laugh and groan etc and then it was over...

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.