Need suggestions for food for allergic vegan friend who wants to gain weight

Samantha Robert

May 17, 2018
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As explained in my introduction:

"I am joining this forum for a friend. This friend of mine has described himself as "vegetarian by choice, but effectively vegan because of allergies." Those allergies are a problem for him, because it has made it difficult for him to gain weight, which he wants to do due to BDD (I know, it's usually the opposite). I am joining forums and seeking advice on his behalf, since he is too nervous to join himself, given that he is afraid that his unusual form of BDD might trigger those with BDD who want to lose weight."

I am hoping that the people here may be able to suggest foods for him, foods which he may eat and which may allow him to gain weight. I have asked him what his allergies are, and he replied with the following:

"I can't have eggs, dairy, avocado, coconut, any nuts at all except peanut (peanut is ok), onions, and no meat but that's by choice/not allergy.


Also to explain better,, I can't have most vegan alternatives because they use nuts, coconut, and avocado, I can have soy but it does give me rly bad acne, HOWEVER at this point I know I'll have to have soy in big amounts regardless, so bad acne it is.

And I don't think I can have protein supplements, as I'm allergic to the proteins in eggs, milk, nuts, etc... So I think the powder or shakes aren't good... But I've never actually tried them so I wouldn't know..."

This friend of mine is very depressed due to the BDD he has from not weighing enough, and I fear for his safety because of this. Before anyone mentions therapy, I will say that he has tried seeing what options are out there, but all that he can find is options which are focused on BDD as a secondary problem with eating disorders as the primary focus, and at that, these options which he's found are for women only anyway. Even if he found therapy which would accept him, he's unsure if he could commit to therapy, as he feels as though it would only focus on gaining acceptance of his misery and giving up on happiness - which, as a transgender woman with extreme dysphoria, I can understand.

Thank you in advance for any help that you may give.
He can cook with oil, eat pasta, rice, beans, potatoes, hummus as it's made with garbanzo beans and tahini (ground sesame seeds). Vega protein powders are made without coconut, nuts or soy. They are more expensive but it's an option. I feel like a higher carb diet and adding in some oils such as sesame, olive and flax would help.
He can cook with oil, eat pasta, rice, beans, potatoes, hummus as it's made with garbanzo beans and tahini (ground sesame seeds). Vega protein powders are made without coconut, nuts or soy. They are more expensive but it's an option. I feel like a higher carb diet and adding in some oils such as sesame, olive and flax would help.

I could have sworn I replied to this... Either way, I let my friend know your suggestions. He's going to look for those things next time he goes to Walmart
Try vegan ice cream. It's made with Soya and it taste's delicious. The only problem was it made me put on too much weight so I had to limit how much I ate.
Try vegan ice cream. It's made with Soya and it taste's delicious. The only problem was it made me put on too much weight so I had to limit how much I ate.

I mentioned this reply to him, and he's excited to try vegan ice cream, but he wants to know where to find it.
You can find vegan ice creams at most grocers nowadays. If your local grocery store doesn't carry it, then try a natural foods store like Whole Foods.

Peanut butter is pretty calorie-dense. I was also going to suggest high-calorie treat-type foods since they can certainly pack on the pounds if you eat a lot. The caveat is that high-sugar foods aren't really good for your health overall.

Has your friend sat down and talked with a nutritionist or dietician who advocates a vegan lifestyle? They may be able to point him in the direction of healthy ways to gain weight while working around his allergies.
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I guess it depends where you live. If you live in England Sainsbury sell Swedish Glace and Morrisons sell dairy and glutton free cornet's that are vegan. Or you can usually get vegan ice cream from health food shops.