New here, restricting diet for digestive reasons


Forum Novice
Jul 3, 2022
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Tip of the mitt, Michigan
  1. Other
Hello. I’ve been choosing a lot of plant based foods and other things. Spending literally my whole life with digestive issues and defects (4 surgeries and counting), I am always looking for ways to feel better. Hirschprungs, bowel blockages, crohns symptoms, esophagus stricture, hiatal hernia, gerd, reduced stomach, etc, pretty much everything. I always felt sick and traveling was near impossible.

I’m curious if there are any categories to describe what I do, because then I could try things based on what others do.

I don’t eat meat, except fish and finely ground chicken. I’ve found that plant based meat whenever possible has been working better for me and tastes better anyway.

I eat a lot of cold canned vegetables, especially green beans and corn. I can get them with no sodium added. No additions except a little low sodium steak seasoning. Nuts are good too. I like canned asparagus and canned mushrooms, all cold.

I avoid most bread, dairy, and sugary things. Plant based cheese has been working well. Usually I just drink water or Powerade zero, no soda, and no smoking or alcohol. No spicy or greasy things. No condiments except a little relish, no salad dressing or mayo based anything. Because they’re nasty to me. I’ve always ate everything plain. I do like eggs if they are scrambled and cooked all the way through. I like cold oatmeal too, and cereal bars. I found a sugar/dairy free ice cream that I eat on rare occasion.

I avoid fresh produce for the most part because it goes bad before I can finish it, also so many recalls it seems. Hate being wasteful and being sick. I also avoid restaurants for many reasons.

I do eat the occasional junk food like dark chocolate or chips, but have to watch the sodium and sugar intake. I originally cut the sugar to save my teeth, but it has other benefits too.

I have found that eating a healthy dose of ginger and turmeric throughout the day keeps everything moving and helps me feel better too. Huge difference. Better than the reglan I used to be on. Before that, my stomach would take 4-6 hours to empty and my system would stay stopped for like 4 days.

I believe and practice frugality, but my food choices are for my body and not for larger worldly issues.
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welcome to the forum

I would suggest checking out Dr MacDougall's website, he has many stories of people who have found great relief from eating a whole food plant-based starchivore diet.

Also look up Dr. Neal Barnard and Dr McGregor.

Good health to you!

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
This is one of the best videos about a truly life changing health experience through adopting a Whole Foods Plant Based diet.

It is a little long, but well worth it.

This was very good. I’m built just like that guy with the same weight range and have so many of the same issues, so it really hit home. It looks like I’ve got a jump start on his methods, and I’m going to work toward following the rest of it. Whole Foods Plant Based, now I got a category to look into. That cronometer looks like a very valuable tool. I’m an engineer so real data is something I can work with.

I’m looking into the other doctor websites too, seeing about the methods they recommend.
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Hello. I’ve been choosing a lot of plant based foods and other things. Spending literally my whole life with digestive issues and defects (4 surgeries and counting), I am always looking for ways to feel better. Hirschprungs, bowel blockages, crohns symptoms, esophagus stricture, hiatal hernia, gerd, reduced stomach, etc, pretty much everything. I always felt sick and traveling was near impossible.

I’m curious if there are any categories to describe what I do, because then I could try things based on what others do.

I don’t eat meat, except fish and finely ground chicken. I’ve found that plant based meat whenever possible has been working better for me and tastes better anyway.

I eat a lot of cold canned vegetables, especially green beans and corn. I can get them with no sodium added. No additions except a little low sodium steak seasoning. Nuts are good too. I like canned asparagus and canned mushrooms, all cold.

I avoid most bread, dairy, and sugary things. Plant based cheese has been working well. Usually I just drink water or Powerade zero, no soda, and no smoking or alcohol. No spicy or greasy things. No condiments except a little relish, no salad dressing or mayo based anything. Because they’re nasty to me. I’ve always ate everything plain. I do like eggs if they are scrambled and cooked all the way through. I like cold oatmeal too, and cereal bars. I found a sugar/dairy free ice cream that I eat on rare occasion.

I avoid fresh produce for the most part because it goes bad before I can finish it, also so many recalls it seems. Hate being wasteful and being sick. I also avoid restaurants for many reasons.

I do eat the occasional junk food like dark chocolate or chips, but have to watch the sodium and sugar intake. I originally cut the sugar to save my teeth, but it has other benefits too.

I have found that eating a healthy dose of ginger and turmeric throughout the day keeps everything moving and helps me feel better too. Huge difference. Better than the reglan I used to be on. Before that, my stomach would take 4-6 hours to empty and my system would stay stopped for like 4 days.

I believe and practice frugality, but my food choices are for my body and not for larger worldly issues.

Have you tried ripe bananas? People who eat a species appropriate diet eat at least 600 calories worth of fresh fruit and fruit-like veg 3x per day or 900 calories worth 2x a day. It doesn't sound like what you are eating is very healthful. Anything cooked loses the majority of its nutrition in the cooking process. If it has been sitting in a can it has even less. I would start eating as many of your favorite raw fruits as you can before every meal.

Since you have an involved health history I would recommend checking out the natural health search engine and see what you think. But following this path, which is to essentially let your body heal itself with Nature's help is very different from what you've been doing. But you know what they say, the definnition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I think the medical doctors have proven they can't help. It is probably past time you try something different.

For inspiration, this guy cured his ulcerative colitis eating fruit.
Have you tried ripe bananas? People who eat a species appropriate diet eat at least 600 calories worth of fresh fruit and fruit-like veg 3x per day or 900 calories worth 2x a day. It doesn't sound like what you are eating is very healthful. Anything cooked loses the majority of its nutrition in the cooking process. If it has been sitting in a can it has even less. I would start eating as many of your favorite raw fruits as you can before every meal.

Since you have an involved health history I would recommend checking out the natural health search engine and see what you think. But following this path, which is to essentially let your body heal itself with Nature's help is very different from what you've been doing. But you know what they say, the definnition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I think the medical doctors have proven they can't help. It is probably past time you try something different.

For inspiration, this guy cured his ulcerative colitis eating fruit.
Please do not discourage people from eating cooked foods. Cooked beans and whole grains are healthy.
Also look up Dr. Neal Barnard and Dr McGregor.
Might be worth adding Gregor and Fuhrman to that list.

For fun and information might want to watch What the Health?, too. Is it still on Netflix. if not I'm sure you can find it. Maybe at the library. While you are looking for it - look for Forks Not Knives. Not as interesting but just as informative.
Oh and yeah, the words you are probably looking for are Whole Food Plant Based.
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For inspiration, this guy cured his ulcerative colitis eating fruit.
So he says but does he show any evidence of this? Youtube is full of people who make claims. I would like to see real evidence before I mess about with my body. Ulcers don't usually play nicely with acidic foods such as fruit can be. Quite the opposite in fact!
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So he says but does he show any evidence of this? Youtube is full of people who make claims. I would like to see real evidence before I mess about with my body. Ulcers don't usually play nicely with acidic foods such as fruit can be. Quite the opposite in fact!
Watch his channel. You'll see. I wouldn't have posted it if I didn't think it was worthwhile.
G'day and welcome. With all your issues has your Dr recommended you see a dietician or a nutritionist ? I really have no advice to offer but hope things get better for you.
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Watch his channel. You'll see. I wouldn't have posted it if I didn't think it was worthwhile.
I don't have to. I've seen some of his videos already and I don't trust him. I don't think he is entirely with it either.
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