New Member - Vegan Teen


Apr 17, 2016
Reaction score
  1. Vegan
My name is Sunna. I'm seventeen from Norway. I'm an Upper Sec. student and thriving on the Vegan lifestyle. Since I am a student, I'd love to talk to other vegans who have a busy schedule and often pack their food in advance. It doesn't matter if you're in my age group or not, I am happy to receive all advice.
Welcome, Sunna. What types of items do you pack? I have a food dehydrator so tend to stick with fresh fruit and home dried pineapple, banana or pears with nuts. Life is easier as a vegan I have found.
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Hey, FzJohnson!
Awesome to see such a quick reply. I tend to pack meals, like Asian food or Mexican food. Not a lot of fruit. How much did you pay for your food dehydrator?
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Hey, FzJohnson!
Awesome to see such a quick reply. I tend to pack meals, like Asian food or Mexican food. Not a lot of fruit. How much did you pay for your food dehydrator?
Yes, it was by chance we were on the forum at the same time :-)

I bought a cheap cylindrical dehydrator from Amazon for about 25 GBP. It has lasted me 4 years or so and gets so much use I am amazed it still works. Mind you, I don't turn up the heat too far as I prefer the taste when it's been dried around 45oC. I find a timer useless as how quickly things dry depends on how thickly I cut them them, and I don't bother being precise anymore. I used to use a mandolin but then I was probably cutting up a lot in one batch.

My main meals are mostly asian based nowadays but lunch is trickier. I am addicted to wide rice noodles and have recently bought a book I had years ago, which has the best compendium of recipes for spice mixes and pastes I know. I use it to make my own 3-4 dry or wet mixes, and then have these with the noodles and various combinations of veg all sauteed/steamed together on different evenings. FYI, the book is called "Spice" by Christine Manfield, but it's the older edition (1990's). The front section has all manner of curry/spice mixes from around the world, but sadly all the glossy recipes in the main part of the book are meat based.

Aren't you glad you're not a vegan in the 90's (!) To anyone reading this who was ... I tip my hat to you.