New to the forum, but not to veganism


Little green mod
Staff member
Dec 20, 2014
Hannover, Germany
  1. Vegan
Hello all,

it is good to see a new vegan forum starting up, I wish you all the best for this venture :)

My name is Andy, I've been a vegetarian for about 25 years, and only recently (5 years ago) found out about the dark side of eggs and dairy by reading Jonathan Safran Foer's book "Eating Animals".

So since that fateful week I have been vegan and also following the so-called "Abolitionist Approach" (meaning that I want to achieve an end of all use of animals, be it for food, experimentation, clothing, or as service or guide dogs).

Am living in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, married and have 2 kids (who are unfortunately not vegan, but my second son is now well on the way to veganism, from his own motivation :) )

Best regards,
Hello Andy!

Wow, that's a long time to be meat free!

I believe veganism is the way forward, I believe that one day the whole world will be totally vegan I know it's going to take a very long time but we'll get there one day .

Happy to have you :)
Thank you for the friendly words. I hope, too, that one day, the whole world will be vegan AND that I will live to still see that day....

Just had to say I love Malaysia - I've only briefly been in KL but spent a fair bit of time in Penang. Just beautiful!

Sounds like you will be a great resource to the forums here -- thank you for joining us!
Hello good folks, allow me to introduce myself again!

Again? It seems that the „vegan forum“ escaped my view shortly after I joined (which was shortly after its creation, it seems), which is, of course, a pity. I was mainly active in the last years on „Veggieviews“ and had been a moderator there for some years.

As it has been now brought back to my attention how wonderfully this forum has developed, I am eager to chime in and contribute a bit where I can :)
Welcome here! BTW I also stumbled upon veganism by reading the book 'Eating Animals' by Jonathan Safran Foer. :)

It's a great book IMO, mainly because he is a great writer first before being an activist.

Have you read his new book, "We are the Weather"?
It mainly deals with the need to go plant-based to reduce emissions and revert the climate apocalypse? I am reading it right now.
It's a great book IMO, mainly because he is a great writer first before being an activist.

Have you read his new book, "We are the Weather"?
It mainly deals with the need to go plant-based to reduce emissions and revert the climate apocalypse? I am reading it right now.

Not yet and also haven't heard of it. Sounds awesome though! You should post a summary in the forum afterwards. :)