At the moment the user titles are:
Junior Member
Well Known Member
Active Member
Star Member
Senior Member
I was reading through the thread again and those ^^.... so many "members". I swear this almost needs to be in the Sexuality forum!

But, yes, I really like having the option for user titles. I never really liked the "hierarchy" user titles.
For that reason I'm really into the idea of 'levels' depending on how many 'likes' you get (i.e. the quality of your posts) and also your activity (quantity).
I'm not sure how that would work because I know for me I "like" all kinds of things on here i.e. funny posts, thoughtful, helpful, posts in the photo threads. So I don't know if you mean "quality of your posts" to mean being helpful/etc. or just quality because it adds to the whole flavor and positivity of the board. I've randomly posted a cute gif or two that I've found, in the 'Mindless Chatter Thread', and they have both gotten a few likes but they aren't really a quality-type post. (I keep reading this over and over and I swear I am not making any sense, I'm going off of hardly any sleep!)