Once jury service is completed, how long until the next time?


The Fire That Burns Within
Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
In the Church of the Poisoned Mind
So, I was called to jury duty, but they ended up not selecting me. I got a letter saying that my service was considered complete.

What is the minimum time that they can call you to serve again?

I know it varies from state to state, but I can't find an answer to my question on the court website or via a general Google search.

So I figure if a few people can tell me what the time frame is in their state, I can get a general idea for my state.
So, I was called to jury duty, but they ended up not selecting me. I got a letter saying that my service was considered complete.

What is the minimum time that they can call you to serve again?

I know it varies from state to state, but I can't find an answer to my question on the court website or via a general Google search.

So I figure if a few people can tell me what the time frame is in their state, I can get a general idea for my state.
Who knows? I was worried I'd get notified very soon after voting/elections.... nothing so far, though (fingers crossed). I think I might possibly be on some sort of list or record from last time for being a bit too, um, outspoken for some people's tastes. :ignore: LOL

My buddy, Jer, however, went through a period of about a decade where it seemed he was called for jury duty every single year. :confused:

So who knows? :shrug:

Personally, I hope you don't get called again (if that's your hope, it'd certainly be mine).... May the force be with you. ;)
If names are selected randomly, it could be any period of time. I had jury duty in 2007, and then again in 2010. But I haven't had a summons since then. I also live in Los Angeles County, where there are millions of potential jurors to choose from. I imagine residents of areas with a lot fewer people would get called to jury duty more often.
In my county it's not more than once every 12 months if not selected, and no more than once every 36 months if selected.

There is no limit to the number of times that you may serve in a lifetime. However, you are only obligated to serve jury duty once every 12 months. Jurors who are selected and sworn as trial jurors or alternates will be excused from serving again for 36 months, upon request .

Please note that you may also be summoned to and required to serve in Federal Court. Participating in the Superior Court check in and jury panel selection process does not exempt you from serving in Federal Court. Only those jurors who have served in Superior Court as a sworn juror or alternate may be excused from service in Federal Court. You may be required to provide proof of your jury service in order to be excused.
Personally, I've been called in for jury duty only once in almost 25 years since becoming eligible.
My one experience was a murder trial. I sat there for 3 days with about 100 other potential jurors, until they narrowed it down to the 8 they wanted. I didn't make the cut. I think they said they were expecting a 3 week trial.

I've been called in 4 times. All except once I was able to be excused. The last time I had to call in each evening for a week and they would let me know if I had to come in the next day. Luckily, I didn't have to go in.

One small town I lived in stopped doing jury trials, so we would get called in to a court two hours away. Thankfully they realized it was ridiculous, and since there wasn't any public transportation we only had to say we had no transportation to be excused.