News Parm lovers be warned....


MadamSarcastra, over & out.
Feb 1, 2016
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Glad I get this stuff:

..... made with vegetarian enzymes, too!! :up:

Now, you may wanna make sure you're not ingesting wood pulp with your pasta.... :yuck:
Problem with Parmesan cheese is symbolic of broader issue in American food industry
There are also Parmesan-style vegan cheeses, but I've never tried any of them. Would appreciate any recommendations...
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I blend my own vegan parmesan: cashews or blanched almonds or brazil nuts or sunflower nuts; nutritional yeast; cornmeal; garlic powder; marjoram. I have a high speed blender but a food processor will work too. I keep it in a jar in the refrigerator and it keeps for a long time (though it doesn't last long in my house).
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I also use the one shared by KLS, and I think they have it down perfectly, up to the horrible smell.

So I only use it very sparingly, and have all but stopped considering to put stuff like that on my pasta. Simply not needed if the sauce is good.

But I love the Vegusto No-Moo "Piquant" made in Switzerland. That is a block cheese that while the texture is not great (hard to slice without crumbling) and does not melt, has an awesome "aged cheese" taste (mainly derived from garlic, so avoid if you can not stand garlic).
I also use the one shared by KLS, and I think they have it down perfectly, up to the horrible smell.

I use it too. The last time I mixed it in my salad, my sister was looking around the house because she thought one of the dogs must have pooped inside. :D
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I use it too. The last time I mixed it in my salad, my sister was looking around the house because she thought one of the dogs must have pooped inside. :D
I also use the one shared by KLS, and I think they have it down perfectly, up to the horrible smell. funny because whenever I use it at work my boss gets mad because he hates the smell. Which I love because he's not a nice person, haha. I don't find the smell to be bad at all, though.
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Reactions: Mischief funny because whenever I use it at work my boss gets mad because he hates the smell. Which I love because he's not a nice person, haha. I don't find the smell to be bad at all, though.
I used to think it reeked, but now I love nooch and put it on lots of stuff. :)
I use Bragg's and Red Star nutritional yeast, a lot. I prefer the vegan parm for pasta, though. Sometimes I use both, especially if I'm forgoing sauce and just want pasta with a little melted EB.