Pictures of Your Animal Friends

Caught three more pics last week, finally fixed 'em.

Here's LC, playing. She & the ball are blurry because she was frenzied... new toy. :rolleyes: And she is DAMN fast for a larger lass! ;)

Thank jebus for "auto-fix", otherwise all you'd see is the faintest glow from Minxy's eyes.... stealth kitty! :p

And I love, love, LOVE this shot I got of Mojo! Had to do a second take to get the timing just right... I pressed button, said "Where's Jerry?", and he preciously cocked his head RIGHT before the phone went click. :D
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They look quite interesting, actually. Rather artistic. And a lot better than your old camera. :)
Not sure how "artistic" they are... we were gettin' settled, it was around 2 AM, ready to read & turn in. LOL :rolleyes:

But, yeah... WAY better than the ancient phone cam. :D
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Three more pics from last weekend. Here's Boris, who's blurry 'cuz he wouldn't stop rolling & purring.... :p

Boris3.jpg <---- He's lost so much weight since I put him on a diet! :)

Another of LC in the dimly-lit spare room.... (she's next for the weight-loss program, lol)


And now, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you... the face of pure evil....

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My nice's new puppy. 8 week German Short hair pointer.
Just spent the last hour resizing some photos.... I had close to 20 of 'em just waitin' on the desktop. I dunno why I don't print up the full instructions for the camera so I don't HAVE to use FotoFlexer anymore... talk about procrastination.... :rolleyes:

Anyhoo, here's what I've got done so far. (I'm just gonna post thumbnails... click to enlarge.)

Mojo chowin' a treat...
Mojo2.jpg Mojo3.jpg

Sleepy Boris...

Boris & Mojo, TOGETHER! :eek:
Boris&Mojo.jpg Boris&Mojo2.jpg

Just the boys....

And sweetie-pie, LC....
He's staying downstairs with son. The young woman works with him at Starbucks. Bratt does not like him at all. :(
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