News Plant Based/Vegan

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Fish Free Tuna & Salmon

With a name like Current Foods, this vegan seafood brand is proving that plant-based fish is here to stay. Its salmon comes in classic style and classic smoked, and still packs the same protein, B12, and omega-3s of its meaty counterpart. The tuna comes in marinated cubes in flavors such as ginger tamarind, yuzu chipotle, and roasted sesame. It will be making its debut in the California grocery chain Gelson’s poke bars as a plant-based fish option.
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Mediterranean-style halloumi, a thick grillable cheese, is longtime plant-based brand Daiya’s latest focus. The brand’s new launch of Grillable Cheeze is made using oats, capitalizing on the market trend towards oat-based products, and is conceptualized as a meat substitute—good for kebabs or as a burger replacement

After plant-based company Coconut Collaborative decided to pivot away from the crowded vegan yogurt market, they moved into the world of decadent plant-based desserts with the rebranding as Bon Dévil—a vegan company that makes pots of dairy-free ganache. Flavors range from salted caramel ganache to banana cream, and each bite is absolutely heavenly.

The UK leads the way for vegan food

''In terms of “most popular countries for veganism in 2022,” the UK came out on top, closely followed by Germany and Austria. The US came in at number 11.

In the UK, it’s easier than ever for consumers to choose meatless items.

From McDonald’s to KFC to Pizza Hut, popular restaurant chains offer plenty of vegan products. And every single supermarket now offers plant-based items, including Tesco, the country’s biggest.

Derek Sarno, Tesco’s head of plant-based food innovation and co-creator of its vegan Wicked Kitchen range, said earlier this year: “The amount of choice these days is mouth-watering.”

“Almost every category within supermarkets now has plant-based options, making it easier than ever for those considering or switching to embracing more meat-free days of the week.”
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