Potato Ideas

Potato steaks

Potato Puffs

We make ketchup in the fall, with less sugar, salt, no oil, and we make a no oil mushroom gravy which is delicious (and may have a lot of sodium from soy sauce).
Potato steaks

Potato Puffs

We make ketchup in the fall, with less sugar, salt, no oil, and we make a no oil mushroom gravy which is delicious (and may have a lot of sodium from soy sauce).
Can we have the recipes?
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As I review this thread - its just so great. So many good potato ideas.

However in just two years we seem to have lost a few members. :(
Can we have the recipes?
Just kidding.
I just use mashed potatoes......I eye ball it, mash the potatoes with water, dry veggie powder (stock powder I make), garlic and onion powder, a dash of lemon juice, a little salt. (sometimes paprika, smoked or otherwise)

The potato steaks may have green pepper, onion pieces, chopped mushrooms added, then pat them out on a parchment paper, bake at 400 deg F until slightly brown.
The potato puffs are mashed potatoes with or without more things added, scooped with a proportion scooper (for cookie dough), onto parchment, baked at 400 deg F until a little colored.
Oil free mushroom gravy: Oil-Free Mushroom Gravy I double this kind of recipe, and use ww pastry flour for thickening, toasting it dry in a pan on the stove before starting.
I have yet to make this, but they sound soooo good!
I have yet to make this, but they sound soooo good!

they do sound great and a lot of work.... I may just drizzle some vegan cheese on my potatoes :D

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend. www.spiritualmatchmaking.com
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This is such a good thread. Time to breathe new life into it.

This is such a good thread. Time to breathe new life into it.

When I oven bake a potato I often give it an hour and a half to make it really soft and fluffy then eat it with baked beans (breakfast beans) and a side salad.
I have yet to make this, but they sound soooo good!

We call them potato croquettes and usually make them with leftover mash. They are indeed delicious and quite easy to make.
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Yesterday I made a new thread about mashed potatoes. Then Emma just gave me some great ideas for potatoes. I bet you guys have lots of good potato recipes. Instant Pot, Baked, Nuked, fried, air fried, whatever.

I'm also interested in gravy for mashed potatoes. And whatever you guys like on top of your baked potatoes.

So how about it?
I have a couple good gravy suggestions for potatoes. 1) crush a generous amount of roasted chestnuts, add purple yam, make your gravy from butter, flour, salt and pepper 2) make gravy from a avacado oil, flour, salt, and pepper, and add freshly grated garlic, chive, cilantro, and Herbes de Province.
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