Saudi Arabia: Atheists are terrorists

Second Summer

Staff member
Apr 26, 2012
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Oxfordshire, UK
  1. Vegan
Saudi Arabia has passed a new terrorism law which will treat non-believers and political dissidents as enemies of the state.

Critics say the new legislation - which uses a broad definition of "terrorism" to include any act intended to insult the reputation of the state, harm public order or destabilise the security of society - is a threat to freedom of speech and thought in the kingdom.
Full article: Saudi Arabia: New Law Defines Atheism As Terrorism (International Business Times, April 1, 2014)

Some fine allies we have there.
This is the stuff that reminds me I have little to complain about having been born in the USA. But I will complain about healthcare.
It's about time someone spoke out against those terrible Atheist.

Who do they think they are with their logic, reason and scientific method, when all you really need is the Holy book to tell you about everything.

I applaud them for their bravery and forthrightness. After all, theist are under attack, and what can the majority do against such unfavorable odds? We need to stand togther and fight against this scourge.
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It's about time someone spoke out against those terrible Atheist.
Misogynist and racist Richard Dawkins is a terrible atheist. He's not alone, but probably the most well-known. Scumbag non-believer The Amazing Atheist is probably only well-known on the Internet, but equally terrible.
It's reasons like these conspiracy theories are believed. Western governments should stop talking about human rights and just acknowledge resources are more important to them.
Western governments should stop talking about human rights and just acknowledge resources are more important to them.

The masses need something to believe in. If they knew that they were sending their children overseas to die for oil (and other resources), far fewer would volunteer, and the politicians couldn't play to the "moral superiority" card that's so popular with Christain electorate. Push peoples buttons in the right way, and they'll mindlessly stick with you forever.
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So two well known Atheist are jerks, so all atheist are jerks?
Uh, no. But your idea that atheists are all not terrible is equally wrong. Anyone can be a decent human being. That you choose not to believe doesn't make you better than someone who chooses to believe and vice versa.
Uh, no. But your idea that atheists are all not terrible is equally wrong. Anyone can be a decent human being. That you choose not to believe doesn't make you better than someone who chooses to believe and vice versa.

How or where in my post did I state that all Atheist are not terrible? I don't even see how that could be implied by what I wrote.
Full article: Saudi Arabia: New Law Defines Atheism As Terrorism (International Business Times, April 1, 2014)

Some fine allies we have there.
It's not that surprising.
From wiki:
"The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is an Islamic theocratic monarchy in which Sunni Islam is the official state religion. Although no law requires citizens or passport holders to be Muslim, almost all citizens are Muslims. Children born to Muslim fathers are by law deemed Muslim, and conversion from Islam to another religion is considered apostasy and punishable by death."
The masses need something to believe in. If they knew that they were sending their children overseas to die for oil (and other resources), far fewer would volunteer, and the politicians couldn't play to the "moral superiority" card that's so popular with Christain electorate. Push peoples buttons in the right way, and they'll mindlessly stick with you forever.
You seem a little bitter about the Christians, it seems. There are many different kinds of Christians, just as there are many kinds of atheists, Buddhists, and humans in general.
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You seem to imply that atheists are better than theists. You also seem to imply that theists never use logic, reason or scientific method.

By which you seem to imply that 'better' logic, reason and scientific method can point towards, rather than away from, the existence of deities, Spang?

If you care to set out your arguments in support of that I'd be very interested in debating their merits.
You seem a little bitter about the Christians, it seems.

BC was very specific about the aspect of Christianity his stated grievance is with, Ledders.

I'm not starting a one man BC defence league here, mind ...

More that this "saying one apple in the barrel is bad = saying all apples in the barrel are bad" type nonsense really gets on my wick.