Heh - several of the posts from this thread seem to have somehow migrated over to the PeTA thread. Gremlins?
Heh - several of the posts from this thread seem to have somehow migrated over to the PeTA thread. Gremlins?
Heh - several of the posts from this thread seem to have somehow migrated over to the PeTA thread. Gremlins?
So anyway my point is that in the UK it is considered 'best practice' by vets, rescues etc to let cats go outside.
I swear I had another post in this thread?!?!
You did - I read it.
My guys do have a large secure enclosure that they can come and go from at will.
Regarding cats and their hunting skills, Cybil always seems to know when we have mice in the garage. She'll hide out among the massive junk/debri we have in there (apparently garages aren't for housing cars anymore). Usually I'm lucky enough to trap and release the little critters, but occasionally she nails one.
No, Forster posted in the PETA thread where the debate started. Forty Two made this thread when there were only two posts about indoor/outdoor cats in there, but obviously Forster saw that one first and then came here and wondered where his post had gone.