Sickly after going vegan


Nov 21, 2019
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My son recently went vegan and has suffered tremendously. No energy, no stamina, lost a lot of weight (he was thin to start with), his clothes don't fit him anymore, sad, depressed, anxious, lethargic, throwing up, lightheaded, cannot focus, distant. I took him to the doctor and had bloodwork done. Dr let him know that veganism can cause all these symptoms if he's not getting the proper nutrition. They did a urinalysis which showed protein in the urine. This is/was a healthy teenager and never protein in urine and bloodwork always good. Protein in the urine is not good although can be cause by dehydration although I doubt this is it as he drinks water plenty. So, my question to any of you is, has anyone experienced protein in the urine or any of the above symptoms? I'm very scared and worried about my son as I see him decline rapidly at his own doing. I wish social media and internet did not exist.
No, never experienced this.

For how long has be been following a vegan diet?

Why is he throwing up? That's not something that should result from a vegan diet (or any other diet for that matter).

What does he typically eat over the coarse of a day? Are you keeping track of it? Is he getting enough calories?
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First off this is almost certainly not a short term diet issue.

Protein in the urine CAN be indicative of several really serious diseases.

Maybe the other symptoms are diet-related but I doubt if Proteinuria can be caused by a vegan diet. And some of the causes of proteinuria can cause those other symptoms.

I hope the Doctor has ordered some more tests because the number one priority should be finding out what is wrong with him. Good luck and let us know what happens.
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My son recently went vegan and has suffered tremendously. No energy, no stamina, lost a lot of weight (he was thin to start with), his clothes don't fit him anymore, sad, depressed, anxious, lethargic, throwing up, lightheaded, cannot focus, distant. I took him to the doctor and had bloodwork done. Dr let him know that veganism can cause all these symptoms if he's not getting the proper nutrition. They did a urinalysis which showed protein in the urine. This is/was a healthy teenager and never protein in urine and bloodwork always good. Protein in the urine is not good although can be cause by dehydration although I doubt this is it as he drinks water plenty. So, my question to any of you is, has anyone experienced protein in the urine or any of the above symptoms? I'm very scared and worried about my son as I see him decline rapidly at his own doing. I wish social media and internet did not exist.
First off, those are not symptoms caused by veganism.
What do mean by "recently went vegan"? Vegan diet is simply the exclusion of animal products. There is nothing about what you eat, and people can have a crappy diet as a vegan as easily as a crappy diet with meat, although the vegan will probably be more of sugar and fat and the omni more added cholesterol, high protein, low potassium and inflammation.

His doctor, as a doctor, should be the one to explain these tests. Protein in urine is from kidneys not filtering properly. It has nothing to do with diet, and sounds like the cause of his other symptoms.
If his doctor is trying to pin this on his diet he needs to see another doctor.

I've never experienced this ever, except a times I've had an infection or been otherwise ill, and it had nothing to do with my diet (it most certainly was never caused by it). I've not eaten an animal with legs since 1990, and I've been WFPB for over 2 years. The fact that this doctor made that statement says that he knows absolutely nothing about the relationship between diet and health. Find a new doctor because something else is going on.
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