My son recently went vegan and has suffered tremendously. No energy, no stamina, lost a lot of weight (he was thin to start with), his clothes don't fit him anymore, sad, depressed, anxious, lethargic, throwing up, lightheaded, cannot focus, distant. I took him to the doctor and had bloodwork done. Dr let him know that veganism can cause all these symptoms if he's not getting the proper nutrition. They did a urinalysis which showed protein in the urine. This is/was a healthy teenager and never protein in urine and bloodwork always good. Protein in the urine is not good although can be cause by dehydration although I doubt this is it as he drinks water plenty. So, my question to any of you is, has anyone experienced protein in the urine or any of the above symptoms? I'm very scared and worried about my son as I see him decline rapidly at his own doing. I wish social media and internet did not exist.