Only in Norway ....
"Body part found in illegal grave after police investigation
FØRDE (NRK): In the middle of day friends and family gathered to bury a body part belonging to a person very much alive at the cemetery in Blomreina in Førde. A Saturday in December a woman witnessed something somewhat unusual. [...]"
She later reported it to the police, and the police decided bring shovels and go to the cemetery to investigate. They found the body part buried between a wall and a rhododendron bush. Further investigation revealed that this was the result of a surgical intervention and that the burial was part of a religious ceremony. The group had acted in good faith, but they were not aware of the regulations for burial. They have been informed by police what to do next time, in case it should happen again.
Source (in Norwegian):
"Body part found in illegal grave after police investigation
FØRDE (NRK): In the middle of day friends and family gathered to bury a body part belonging to a person very much alive at the cemetery in Blomreina in Førde. A Saturday in December a woman witnessed something somewhat unusual. [...]"
She later reported it to the police, and the police decided bring shovels and go to the cemetery to investigate. They found the body part buried between a wall and a rhododendron bush. Further investigation revealed that this was the result of a surgical intervention and that the burial was part of a religious ceremony. The group had acted in good faith, but they were not aware of the regulations for burial. They have been informed by police what to do next time, in case it should happen again.
Source (in Norwegian):
Fann kroppsdel i ulovleg grav etter politiaksjon
FØRDE (NRK): Midt på lyse dagen samla pårørande seg for å grave ned ein kroppsdel frå eit høgst levande menneske på gravplassen Blomreina i Førde.