T2 Diabetic sugar peaks-Help please!

Thanks, @Lou ! That might be partly why I wasn't familiar with them- I don't have a FaceBook account.
I don't either. I just googled "vegan diabetes support group". And got that link.

Google is my friend.


but as long as I'm here. Here is another support group that I googled. it is not on FaceBook.
Its free, virtual, Barnard and Collins approved.

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I haven't searched for info about Diabetes support groups in general- I've just been looking for info about how to reduce my risk for developing it in the first place (which support groups would probably also be able to provide, duh :fp:)
There is no scientific evidence for the claim that no cooked food can be part of a healthy diet
I would highly recommend watching LoreD's clip of Robbie Barbaro and Cyrus Khambatta of MASTERING DIABETES. It turns out the problem and the cause of Diabetes is too many overt fats ie oils, butter, fats from animal products etc interfering with the processing of sugar from the simple carbs we SHOULD be eating including from sweet fruit and veg. For example, 60% of the calories of an egg is FAT. (Perhaps the skyrocketing egg prices are a blessing in disguise.)

The ignorant "experts" love to demonize sugar and say sugar is the problem but our bodies RUN ON SUGAR! Everything we eat gets converted to glucose if it isn't already! Fructose from fruit creates energy ATP for our hundred trillion cells! Sure processed sugar isn't good for us nor are refined grains which are processed like complex sugars - even though they aren't sweet. In fact no grains are "good" for us. Nor is anything that has to be cooked.
For a detailed explanation of the cause of diabetes, another great resource to use for this or for researching any health condition is the health search engines rawfigs dot com. There Dr. Robert Morse and others who a certain search engine which shall remain nameless often censors.

As for those who like to say, "our bodies are all different", what makes them different are the weaknesses. Everyone's body has different strengths and weaknesses but our optimal diets and the way we heal those weaknesses is all the same. After all we all have the same anatomy and physiology, the same organs - particularly the same GI Tract that is best suited to break down and help our body utilize specific types of foods (raw fruit, veg, tender greens and herbs). Whereas if we try to give it other than what is optimal, we will sooner or later pay the price.
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As for those who like to say, "our bodies are all different", what makes them different are the weaknesses.

I like most of what you are saying. And I agree that we are mostly the same but some of the differences are very significant. Some people are born lactose intolerant. Some have allergies, Some have gluten intolerance. Some develop allergies. Some are old. Some are young. genetic diseases, injuries, etc.

I guess you could call all those "weaknesses". those differences or weaknesses can not be disregarded.

So yeah, the diet that might be ideal for one person could literally kill someone else
This post contains misleading and false information
I like most of what you are saying. And I agree that we are mostly the same but some of the differences are very significant. Some people are born lactose intolerant. Some have allergies, Some have gluten intolerance. Some develop allergies. Some are old. Some are young. genetic diseases, injuries, etc.

I guess you could call all those "weaknesses". those differences or weaknesses can not be disregarded.

So yeah, the diet that might be ideal for one person could literally kill someone else
I agree that adopting an optimal diet overnight would not be recommended for someone who has rarely ever had any raw food or vegetables and who eats only cooked foods and fast food. The detox reactions might be serious but working up to it by introducing more and more fruit into a person's diet can't hurt. There are "Detox Specialists" people can hire to coach them through the process to help them deal with difficult detox reactions.

The first time I heard "Fully Raw Kristina" say, "Everyone should try to ruin their appetite with fruit" (before eating their cooked food) I thought it was funny. But it is a good tip! . Work up to eating nothing for breakfast but fruit. Eat 500 to 800 calories worth. Eating enough sweet fruit at the beginning of the day also cuts cravings for sweet or salty food at the end of the day. Having fruit for breakfast would be the nicest thing anyone who doesn't already do this can do for their bodies. Start the day with something easy for your body to digest - which is fruit.

Whatever people say they are "born with" such as what you mentioned can be reversed with the proper diet and herbs. If the famous Dr. John Christopher could tell a woman what to feed her toddler,( who was born blind "without an optic nerve" according to the orthodox opthamologist), so he could see well enough to b e able to play with his toys after 6 months or so, then so can other things be healed. We have to STOP beLIEving the platitudes we are told. Sure western medicine can't do it. It doesn't mean it can't be done by other methods. Medical doctors were trained to help people live with their "dis-ease". That is it. They don't know anything about diet or health. We need to question de-indoctrinate ourselves and realize we've been lied to about a LOT of things..

The intolerances you mentioned are the result of forcing our bodies to digest foods we shouldn't be eating in the first place. Dairy is meant for baby cows. When we eat it is highly mucous producing and acid forming. Likewise we realize no benefit eating grains. SURE we can subsist on it. Look at the Eskimos, they have little to eat but fish. But they live very SHORT lives. If they were eating 80% raw fruit and veg and a tiny bit of nuts and seeds, hardly anything cooked and a very LOW PROTEIN diet like we all should be aiming to do - the OPPOSITE of what we've been brainwashed to think, they might live as long as the Vicabambans of Ecuador. the Hunzas of Pakistan and the Abkhasians of Russia many of whom who live to 150+ who all eat pretty close to the 80/10/10 diet. Check out the health search engine rawfigs (dot) com where people can go to discover other than mainstream propaganda about health.
I agree that adopting an optimal diet overnight would not be recommended for someone who has rarely ever had any raw food or vegetables and who eats only cooked foods and fast food. The detox reactions might be serious but working up to it by introducing more and more fruit into a person's diet can't hurt. There are "Detox Specialists" people can hire to coach them through the process to help them deal with difficult detox reactions.

The first time I heard "Fully Raw Kristina" say, "Everyone should try to ruin their appetite with fruit" (before eating their cooked food) I thought it was funny. But it is a good tip! . Work up to eating nothing for breakfast but fruit. Eat 500 to 800 calories worth. Eating enough sweet fruit at the beginning of the day also cuts cravings for sweet or salty food at the end of the day. Having fruit for breakfast would be the nicest thing anyone who doesn't already do this can do for their bodies. Start the day with something easy for your body to digest - which is fruit.

Whatever people say they are "born with" such as what you mentioned can be reversed with the proper diet and herbs. If the famous Dr. John Christopher could tell a woman what to feed her toddler,( who was born blind "without an optic nerve" according to the orthodox opthamologist), so he could see well enough to b e able to play with his toys after 6 months or so, then so can other things be healed. We have to STOP beLIEving the platitudes we are told. Sure western medicine can't do it. It doesn't mean it can't be done by other methods. Medical doctors were trained to help people live with their "dis-ease". That is it. They don't know anything about diet or health. We need to question de-indoctrinate ourselves and realize we've been lied to about a LOT of things..

The intolerances you mentioned are the result of forcing our bodies to digest foods we shouldn't be eating in the first place. Dairy is meant for baby cows. When we eat it is highly mucous producing and acid forming. Likewise we realize no benefit eating grains. SURE we can subsist on it. Look at the Eskimos, they have little to eat but fish. But they live very SHORT lives. If they were eating 80% raw fruit and veg and a tiny bit of nuts and seeds, hardly anything cooked and a very LOW PROTEIN diet like we all should be aiming to do - the OPPOSITE of what we've been brainwashed to think, they might live as long as the Vicabambans of Ecuador. the Hunzas of Pakistan and the Abkhasians of Russia many of whom who live to 150+ who all eat pretty close to the 80/10/10 diet. Check out the health search engine rawfigs (dot) com where people can go to discover other than mainstream propaganda about health.
Are you so certain of this that you could safely tell somebody with severe IBS that it's not fibre that is destroying their intestines and that they should go whole plant based, despite what medical professionals have told them? Much of your thinking is borderline conspiracy theory rabbithole thinking and in this context it is potentially dangerous.
Yes indeed, days are often too busy for a proper workout, but I have been advised to do 2-3 minutes of aerobic activity (star jumps, burpees, etc.) every 30 minutes. I might look a bit stupid in the office but...
This is exactly the kind of 'foolishness' that the world needs more of! Congratulations on setting a good example for your office-mates :) (and me!)
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On the separate topic of raw foods . . .
At the risk of being rude, (I can be, sometimes), I think I would add that while I agree that some raw food is very important, for vitamin C for example --

"Humans, unlike most animals, are unable to synthesize vitamin C endogenously, so it is an essential dietary component [1]."
Office of Dietary Supplements - Vitamin C --

I think that most people (including me) aren't going to advocate an exclusively raw-food diet for most people most of the time, even for someone with type 2 diabetes.

I know that a lot of people have tried raw-food diets and felt well on them, but I don't think that necessarily means they are the best way to eat, for everyone, all of the time.

For example, I feel that cooking can make foods easier to digest, which can be especially important for someone who is already having digestive issues or is prone to developing them. I'd imagine it could also be more difficult to get enough calories, protein, and other nutrients with an exclusively raw diet. (There are other things, too: For example, several months ago (probably longer), I was interested to hear about people saying sweet potatoes can be eaten raw, but recently I read that raw sweet potatoes contain protease inhibitors, which somehow get in the way of our digesting our proteins, and that cooking largely inactivates the protease inhibitors.) On the question of eating fruit in the morning, yes, it's a great idea for me, maybe for you, though if someone tells me that doesn't work for them, my first inclination is going to be to trust that they know their own body.

As for the claims floating around, that people have lived to be 150 years old, trying to figure out if that is probable most likely isn't going to get us anywhere, but that's fine in my opinion, because I feel like there are enough other, more solid reasons to eat more plants.

I know that raw food was brought up in the context of hoping to bring the gift of good health, so I appreciate the sentiment; I just don't think I'd approach the question in the same way.
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Are you so certain of this that you could safely tell somebody with severe IBS that it's not fibre that is destroying their intestines and that they should go whole plant based, despite what medical professionals have told them? Much of your thinking is borderline conspiracy theory rabbithole thinking and in this context it is potentially dangerous.
There are a lot of people who have cured IBS and worse who have done it eating fruit In fact many books have been written about it It is suprising how many still aren't aware of this fact. This guy cured Ulcerative colitis and gives a step by step guide how he did it. Check this out
There are a lot of people who have cured IBS and worse who have done it eating fruit In fact many books have been written about it It is suprising how many still aren't aware of this fact. This guy cured Ulcerative colitis and gives a step by step guide how he did it. Check this out

Are you so certain of this that you could safely tell somebody with severe IBS that it's not fibre that is destroying their intestines and that they should go whole plant based, despite what medical professionals have told them? Much of your thinking is borderline conspiracy theory rabbithole thinking and in this context it is potentially dangerous.
Yes. If all they have done is gone to medical professionals they haven't even cracked the tip of the iceberg regarding researching far better options.. Don't people know that med students aren't taught a thing about health or nutrition or diet in medical school? The entire curriculum is geared around helping them "live with" their illness by taking Rx or by having surgery. The doctors never mention diet except to tell people to stop eating healthful things because the "interfere" with the drugs. If they had a clue, examining the poor diets people have had and instructing them to CUT OUT the foods that are the underlying cause of their problems should be part of every protocol.
Yes. If all they have done is gone to medical professionals they haven't even cracked the tip of the iceberg regarding researching far better options.. Don't people know that med students aren't taught a thing about health or nutrition or diet in medical school? The entire curriculum is geared around helping them "live with" their illness by taking Rx or by having surgery. The doctors never mention diet except to tell people to stop eating healthful things because the "interfere" with the drugs. If they had a clue, examining the poor diets people have had and instructing them to CUT OUT the foods that are the underlying cause of their problems should be part of every protocol.
I want actual collected data from official sources, not some fad book or Youtube video.
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Yes. If all they have done is gone to medical professionals they haven't even cracked the tip of the iceberg regarding researching far better options.. Don't people know that med students aren't taught a thing about health or nutrition or diet in medical school? The entire curriculum is geared around helping them "live with" their illness by taking Rx or by having surgery. The doctors never mention diet except to tell people to stop eating healthful things because the "interfere" with the drugs. If they had a clue, examining the poor diets people have had and instructing them to CUT OUT the foods that are the underlying cause of their problems should be part of every protocol.
I totally get where you're coming from with your concern for people with severe IBS. It can be tough to know what to do when medical professionals give conflicting advice. But you know what? Sometimes you gotta take matters into your own hands and do some research!

I mean, let's be real here. Med students aren't taught a thing about health or nutrition or diet in medical school. It's all about drugs and surgery. But cutting out the foods that are causing the underlying problem? That should be part of every protocol! It's crazy that doctors don't mention diet more often.

So yeah, I think you can safely tell somebody with severe IBS that going whole plant based might be a better option for them. Of course, I'm not a medical professional myself, but there's plenty of evidence out there to support the benefits of a plant-based diet. And if medical professionals aren't giving people the full picture, it's up to us to do our own research and make informed decisions.

But hey, at the end of the day, we're all just trying to live our best lives and feel good.
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cutting out the foods that are causing the underlying problem? That should be part of every protocol! It's crazy that doctors don't mention diet more often.
I think it's unfair to doctors to say they don't treat IBS with Diet. That is mostly what they do.

Also I'm pretty sure Doctors always mention changing diet and lifestyle to all their patients who have diabetes, heart disease, etc. It's not their fault the patients don't listen.
So yeah, I think you can safely tell somebody with severe IBS that going whole plant based might be a better option for them.
Not safely and not with conviction. You can do that with diabetes. You can do that with heart disease. And may be some other ailments.
But no one really knows what causes IBS. It not even classified as a disease. It's a group of symptoms. The underlying causes of the symptoms is not known. And it is not the same for everyone.

Most people who have IBS find certain foods cause issues. But not all the people have the same reactions to the same food. One of the most common diets that work well with Some IBS patients is the Low FODMAP diet. Which is not vegan and would be very difficult for a vegan to adhere to. Another diet that works well for some patients is a low fiber diet. That too would be very difficult for a vegan to adhere to.

I would love to be able to talk one of my friends with heart disease or diabetes to go plant based. but I'm not going to suggest anything like that to my friend with IBS.

Maybe it's YOU that needs to do some research before making statements like that.

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I think it's unfair to doctors to say they don't treat IBS with Diet. That is mostly what they do.

Also I'm pretty sure Doctors always mention changing diet and lifestyle to all their patients who have diabetes, heart disease, etc. It's not their fault the patients don't listen.

Not safely and not with conviction. You can do that with diabetes. You can do that with heart disease. And may be some other ailments.
But no one really knows what causes IBS. It not even classified as a disease. It's a group of symptoms. The underlying causes of the symptoms is not known. And it is not the same for everyone.

Most people who have IBS find certain foods cause issues. But not all the people have the same reactions to the same food. One of the most common diets that work well with Some IBS patients is the Low FODMAP diet. Which is not vegan and would be very difficult for a vegan to adhere to. Another diet that works well for some patients is a low fiber diet. That too would be very difficult for a vegan to adhere to.

I would love to be able to talk one of my friends with heart disease or diabetes to go plant based. but I'm not going to suggest anything like that to my friend with IBS.

Maybe it's YOU that needs to do some research before making statements like that.

I'm on a Dr Greger FB group and there are a lot of long time members whose IBS is gone after going WFPB. No 'low fodmap' or low fiber
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And in the news this week

Thanks Lou. Interesting study. I note that this is plant-based low carb and not plant-based low-fat, which I am trying to follow. All good news anyway.
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