Sounds like you think our military is screwed up. And the interstate highway system is terrible. And it's dangerous to drink the water here. And polio is rampant.
Anyway, I have no idea how to get through to someone with this way of thinking. You say you don't want there to be some universal public insurance or healthcare system. Yet you say you don't want people to die in the streets.
Well, what's your answer? Seriously. What's your solution?
Because we don't have a universal basic healthcare system now. And we don't (for the most part) let people die in the streets.
So what we inevitably have is an emergency care system, which in fact everyone ends up paying for, and is the most expensive and least effective way to deliver and pay for healthcare. You're already paying for the "deadbeats" you don't want to pay for, you just pay for them when they show up in the emergency room. If you don't want them to die in the streets, and you don't want your tax dollars to contribute in any way to their healthcare, then what is your solution? A realistic solution that can actually be implemented, given the skills and limitations of real humans? Meaning, aliens don't get to come down and perform free healthcare for deadbeats. Fraud doesn't suddenly disappear from humankind - not going to happen. Angels don't come and sort through those who are deserving of healthcare and disappear those who don't so you don't have to see them dying in the streets. There will always be people whom you don't feel are deserving. But it doesn't seem like you want to see them dying in the streets either (or do you?). Please follow your thinking through to some logical conclusion! How do you reconcile not wanting to see people die in the streets with not wanting your tax dollars to go to anyone else's healthcare? And do you not realize you're already subsidizing them in the most inefficient and expensive way?
Well I'm still trying to figure out where I said some people aren't deserving. I said the waste needs to be stopped. If I visit an ER for something that's not an emergency my insurance won't cover it. I get the bill. Why should taxpayer-funded coverage be any different? I don't know what it's like where you live but here there is NO REASON to use the ER as a walk-in clinic. There are several clinics just for Medicaid. They will also take the uninsured and charge based on what the person can afford to pay. There is simply no reason to go to the ER for a paper cut (yes, they do that, among other trivial reasons) just because the taxpayers are paying your way. If someone has a true emergency, of course they belong in the ER whether they can afford to pay or not.
I see nothing wrong with wanting waste trimmed from other taxpayer-funded programs before raising taxes yet again to cover Obamacare. Again, I have to budget when I shop for groceries, but I guess I should be okay with people on foodstamps with carts full of stuff I couldn't afford if I wanted to. My budget doesn't allow for a giant screen TV. Why should someone in taxpayer-funded housing be having one delivered? Why should someone living off the taxpayers have cable TV? That's not a necessity.
I realize it's not possible to stop all fraud and abuse and misuse but does that mean we shouldn't try to stop part of it? Then those tax dollars would be free for other things, like maybe funding Obamacare in part. For those that think entitlement abuse isn't that common, I invite you to my place and I can show you what I see/hear all the time. It's more common than you think. I know people who have made living off others a way of life for years. Yet I should be happy my taxes will be going up again. (I don't buy for second he's only raising taxes on the super wealthy.)
Maybe I seem a bit sour. But I have paid into all these supposed safety net programs for YEARS. Almost a year ago I lost my job due to outsourcing and found I wasn't eligible for any kind of help, even for a short time, because I didn't have kids. So my money is good enough to take all those years yet I can't benefit from the safety net it was supposed to fund. No food stamps, no grants for school, nothing, because I failed to reproduce. It's all reserved for the single moms. So yes, let me keep my money and fund my own dang future, thanks. I am not saying single moms and their kids should starve, like some of you will read into my rant. But why they can live better off taxpayer money than some taxpayers can live themselves is beyond me.
I did find another job. I don't make quite as much as before but I get by. And I make sure any money I donate to the less fortunate goes to those that fall through the cracks. But go ahead, add one more tax-funded program for the government to mismanage. Let's hope when the money starts running out, and it will, they don't start picking and choosing who deserves care more.