Another day of fooling around is over. I'm trying to save 1 painkiller pill a day by eating 5 pills instead of 6.
I'm lying on bed a lot, and it doesn't make any good to my lungs.
COPD is still exacerbated and causing me a lot of inconvenience, though it has got better. I was going to the pharmacy shop tomorrow morning (at 9a.m.) in order to get more sage, (which has such a great effect on all my systems). It's great because it fights COPD, it has increased my absent appetite, it cured my gastritis that suddenly had appeared from nowhere (perhaps because mom had been harrassing me like crazy), it fights other inflammations (don't want to overload this message with excessive details), etc. A long time ago, when i was treating dad's cancer, Sumerian gods told me that sage is great for treating "paraneoplastic syndromes", and it really was helping(!),- since then, i'm really obsessed with sage (i love it, and it loves me back, lol). What was i talking about?? Haha, in a nutshell, mom talked me out of going to the pharmacy shop. I decided to wait and see how the situation will proceed within the next couple days.
Unghshu had a brief walk this evening. I've got nowhere else to do (during a walk) than to walk through the new block houses' yard, walk slowly along the field (new Izhora settlement) and go to the basketball field and sit on a bench there until i turn into an ice cube.
Of course, no one forbids me to walk to Chukhonka island from the side of Defence bridge and Mokkolovo peninsula (if it's not closed yet), but it's so cold outside, that i can hardly withstand a 1/2-hour walk. This is super weird: we didn't have this kind of colds in winter (though 2°C is not cold). The winter was spring-like. And now, i want to believe, that the nature wants to help clueless humanoids to handle this quarantune, and to fight the virus better. If it was warmer,- a lot of ubiquitous alcoholics would have crawled out of their hermitage and sit everywhere and drink and "socialize" and traipse around the neighbourhood shops, spreading the disease. But as soon as all alcoholics feel freezy,- it's quite empty on the streets ...and on the benches.
I live near the bus station, from where almost all Kolpino's buses start their way around the town. (We have one more station, on the other edge of the town,- but it's for suburban buses). So i saw a bunch of buses, but people don't actually use them. I also saw a few people with dogs and only one "brave" man with a bag of groceries. My dad's cousine, Sasha, who lives in Crimea (Sevastopol'), said, that from today, they are on a strict LD, but he had been unaware that we're on LD too! One woman from Tula town, who is "my friend" on VK (though i don't know her), was asking me: i told her about the LD,- she said that they're roaming freely yet. This is really odd and inappropriate, IMO, considering how close Tula is to Moscow.
At sunset (8p.m.). Lol, Unghshu's house is on the right.
New water dispenser in our community (that i discovered during my evening walk). Our authorities have put it here so we don't have to go to crowded grocery stores for fresh water.
"Machinery plant avenue". Liquid gold over the field.
Liquid gold-2.
Marine keeps sending me various useless stuff, but it's very nice of her (some stuff is highly appreciated by me). The last photo that she sent was her kitty Doosya: