I have to confess, some British accents are hard for foreigners' comprehension (especially Russians' comprehension). When i hear people from different parts of the UK speaking,- i can't identify it as just "British accent", but i hear a whole diversity of accents, which is confusing, and some of them are more difficult for perception than others. (It's fair enough for some American accents too). Like i said previously, NZ accent(s) is/are the most comprehensible for ME, because, deep inside, it/they has/have some subtle traits similar to Petersburgian accent. Anyway, i'm trying to listen to British English as well and get used to it a little bit.
And this is for you.

(Quite a beautiful video of aerial footages of Vladivostok,- the entire video is very pretty, but the second half is really stunning). Btw, my dad was born in Vladivostok, but they moved when he was 1y.o., because my grandpa Milya (another grandpa) was a military man, and he was sent to SPb, where he worked as a cop until retirement. Granny Nadya was a cop too, and cops are paid a little better in SPb, plus they had a baby (my dad) on their hands,- then the second baby was born.
Vladivostok (city & nature):