Forum Legend
I think my mom turned me on to him when I was visiting her in Florida. But later I was happy to find that the San Jose paper had his column on the back page of their Sunday Magazine. I read some of his books and even saw watched the TV show they made for him.I forgot Dave Barry-used to read his column when I got the Sunday Plain Dealer! Miss newspaper on Sun morning.
Civet cat coffee-perfect example of animal abuse for humans greed . First time I heard of this was a story from Nat'l Geo I think, indigenous tribes would collect the berries and sell them to tourists in order to survive. Of course their way of life had already been exploited from colonization. Rich people saw the money in the civet coffee and now trap and cage them for profit
I just thought the article was funny. I hadn't given any thought about how they collected the poop.
I never had a cup of that coffee. Wasn't planning on it. And now I can safely promise I never will.